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  1. For Authors

    material. Work with the appropriate assistant director(s) to determine the required level of review. For ...

  2. Bot testing- Full page

    New Chat Copy Chat Extension Bot How can I help? Lawn and Garden What is the best fertilizer to use on my lawn? Find a local office I would like to speak with my local extension agent. Crop Management What is the ideal temperature range for growing sweet ...

  3. Ohio Commercial Pesticide Applicator License Study Guides

    test included in the back of each chapter. Also required (included with purchase) Safety Training Guide for ... soybeans, and herbicide programs for non-GMO soybeans. Index to all tables regarding herbicides listed on ... chemical control.   Category 2f—Soil Fumigation Focuses on the application of fumigants to soil for the ...

  4. Battle for the Belt: Season 2, Episode 18- Planting Date and Weed Control Interactions

    Agricultural Research Station, and Wooster Campus, with day of planting, soil, air temperature averages, and ... ( Location Precipitation (Inches) (July 22- July 28) 2-inch soil temperature  (July 22- July 28) Air ...

  5. Bot testing


  6. Khanal to lead agricultural technology research and training program in Nepal

    toward measuring and analyzing GHG emissions and other soil and crop data for effective nutrient ...

  7. Miralha to lead $4.9 million grant project to train water industry workforce in Ohio

    management, risk assessment, watershed sciences, environmental compliance, environmental justice, and data ... levels. “Our goal is to provide opportunities for those who are looking at the next stage in their ... experts (32%) by 2029. “The four counties were also chosen because they are under distress due to high ...

  8. Join OABA for the 4R Technology Review Field Day on August 28

    management, precision agriculture, and soil health. This is a great opportunity to learn about the latest ... Manure sensing equipment Drones in agriculture Best soil sampling practices Soil and Water Management ...

  9. 2024 Agronomy Field Day

    Please RSVP to Morrow Soil and Water by August 18 at 419-946-7923. Speakers for the Day Include: Dr. ... Jagger, OSU Extension Tyler Butler and Mike Clapper, Morrow Soil and Water Conservation District Corn; ...

  10. Corn Fungicide Trials

    more effective against tar spot and should be applied between VT and R3 in a high disease environment ... scouting knowledge to the test and look for the following three foliar diseases: Gray leaf spot: symptoms ... conditions and high relative humidity in the canopy. Tar spot:   this relatively new foliar disease prefers ...
