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  1. Food Safety Modernization Act

    that provides the same level of public health protection as that required of U.S. food producers.  ... consumption. Key requirements within the rule cover Agricultural Water, Biological Soil Amendments, Sprouts, ...

  2. Explore Undergraduate Programs

    offers a broad selection of courses, with 20 undergraduate-level courses in plant pathology and hundreds ...

  3. General Plant Pathology Lab

    test, fill out soil sample forms) Microscopes and Their Use in Diseases Diagnostics: Use hand lenses and ... stem rust of wheat and Cedar-apple rust Nematodes Extraction and observation of soil-borne plant ...

  4. Data Analytics in Production Agriculture

    actionable spatial and temporal management recommendations at the sub-field level. Laboratory exercises ...

  5. Diagnostic Network

    communication between OSU Extension, industry, and regulatory agencies such as the Ohio Department of ...

  6. Environmental Biophysics

    FABENG 5330 Environmental Biophysics provides an overview of the interactions between the physical ...

  7. Mancl Awarded ASABE Grade of Fellow

    research, written and taught the subject for 40 years, publishing over 50 journal articles and 80 Extension ...

  8. General Ed & Intro Courses

    nematodes and parasitic higher plants. Video-linked between Columbus and Wooster.  Prerequ: Intro or general ...

  9. Chow Line: Vitamin D and heart health: jury still out

    blood levels of vitamin D might be a separate risk factor for heart disease. But-- and this is a big ... concern that Americans 50 and older are at risk of not getting enough vitamin D to maintain bone health. ... with the lowest levels of vitamin D in their blood at the beginning of the study had twice the risk of ...

  10. Moisture Stress Biggest Limiting Factor in Crop Production

    "Ohio is fortunate in that medium textured soils are common in the state, and many Ohio soils have high ... a little over an inch of that is available to plants. Slater said the ideal soils are medium textured, such ... scenario. Consistent springtime soil moisture failed to promote root growth to its fullest water-exploring ...
