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Wastewater Management in Rural Communities
Natural Resource Onsite Treatment Technology Level of Management Deep, Permeable Soil (at least 3 feet to ... treated wastewater a high-technology treatment plant that can remove all water pollutants attentive and ... highly trained people to operate and manage the collection and treatment system Option 2 Collect ...
Pulsed Electric Field Processing Applications in the Food Industry
field (PEF) processing is a new food pasteurization method that uses short bursts of high voltage ... Does PEF Work? PEF processing applies high voltage pulses (20–80 kV/cm) with a duration of milliseconds ... to microseconds to treat liquid foods placed between two electrodes (Zhang et al. 2010; Toepfl, ...
Fall Strip Tillage Systems: An Introduction
4 inches high, which improves soil drainage and warming. By spring, it usually settles down to 1 to ... alternative to plowing. Benefits of strip tillage soil conservation –undisturbed residue between corn rows ... the field should be flat. It is important not to apply nitrogen in the fall to soils above 50°F as ...
Know The Rules When Employing Minors on Your Farm
between the employer and a minor before employment begins. For the protection of the employer, this ...
The Organic Certification Process for Farms
sustainable production methods. However, organic certification is the most highly regulated food production ... biodiversity, and soil health. Organic farms do not use synthetic chemical inputs such as mineral fertilizers, ... horticultural crops. Soil health and fertility are addressed with natural sources of organic matter and soil ...
Manure and Compost: Nitrogen Availability in Organic Production
prevent excessive soil nutrient levels. Volatilization Losses Immediate incorporation or injection of ... Incorporation Bare Soil 40 50 75 90 No Incorporation Standing Crop 20 25 40 50 1 day Bare Soil 10 15 25 50 2 day ... Manure and compost nitrogen content and availability can vary greatly between species of animals that ...
The Role of Micronutrients in Equine Nutrition
species, soil fertility, weather, etc. The only way to know mineral content of your forage is to test it. ... The amount horses consume from blocks is highly variable between individuals. Horses on pasture ... should be made up of at least 50% forage. Horses get most of their daily nutrient requirements from ...
Soil Testing for Ohio Lawns, Landscapes, Fruit Crops, and Vegetable Gardens
soil test will provide information on soil pH, cation exchange capacity (CEC), lime requirement index ... Natural Resources Soil tests provide more helpful information on soils than any other resource. It is an ... vegetable gardens and fruit crops. Soil test results pinpoint plant nutrient needs and soil test lab ...
Cowpea as a Cover Crop in Ohio
to climbing growth habit Preferred soil pH: 5.5–6.5 Table 1. Rating the traits of cover crop cowpea. ... Excellent Winter survival Winter-killed Planting Drilled at 1–1½ inches 50–90 lb./acre (pure live seed) ... = 2,500–4,500 lb. per acre, per year Biomass quantity is highly dependent on planting/termination dates and ...
Field Pea/Winter Pea as a Cover Crop in Ohio
growth habit that can spread 2–4 feet Preferred soil pH: 6.0–7.0 Table 1. Rating the traits of cover crop ... based on specific variety Planting Drilled at 1–1½ inches 50–80 lb./acre (pure live seed) Broadcast with ... Additional planting information: 1,800 seeds per lb. (highly variable; adjust seeding rate accordingly) ...