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Are All Grow Lights Created Equal?
each seed catalog delivered to my home, it inches my excitement level to begin spring up just once more ...
Ohio Department of Agriculture updates fertilizer certification program rules
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Soil Health and Compaction Event
Welcome to our New 4-H Families!
more likely to exercise and be physically active * Report better grades and higher levels of academic ...
Zoning Law
not prove that more than 50% of his gross income from the operation of the farm market was derived ...
Volunteering Is Good for the Soul
County. The program is a partnership between the Butler County Juvenile Justice, the Ohio State Highway ...
Harvesting Your Own Garden Seeds
are high and there is good air circulation around the drying seed heads and pods. The key is to avoid ...
Health study to look for links between disease, land formation
Some areas of Ohio are riddled with karst, a layer of cracked and eroded rock a few feet below ground. Other areas, particularly in eastern Ohio, are pocked with abandoned coal mines whose entrances and air shafts puncture the ground. Both these natural a ...
Managing Pollutant Discharge Risk on Farms
Thursday, February 12, 1- 2 pm EST *Archived recording will be here once available* ...
Junior Master Gardener Day Camp Program-Soil