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Urban Fruit and Vegetable Production and Marketing Tour
can be a cornerstone of a healthy urban food system by showcasing high output gardens and inspiring ... production. Guests will see four high tunnels, a seedling start house, a produce rinse and refrigeration area, ...
Communiqué June 24, 2011
of Extension (OSUE). His time will be split between HCRD and OSUE. Ken replaces Dr. L.H. Newcomb who ... me. ( CFAES Voluntary Separation Incentive- A Reminder-Dr. Bobby Moser, vice ... credit cards at the county level for meeting registrations – specifically related to PayPal. The ...
Specialties of Agricultural Engineers
land profiling climatology and atmospheric science soil management and conservation, including erosion ... level to help the environment. Design of experiments related to crop and animal production History: The ...
2017 Urban Agriculture & Community Garden Summit: We Dig Ohio
Topics include: Four season gardening Aquaponics Garden economics Plant pathology Soil building Crop ...
OARDC Honors FABE Faculty and Staff
50 years of service Keener, a leading expert on the engineering of composting systems, began his ... continues to serve as associate chair. “Harold has contributed 50 years to OARDC, FABE, and the College of ...
Transitional Produce and Flower Farm Tour
improvements including her greenhouse, high tunnel, irrigation system, and more. Registration: To register for ...
Clover 5K
50-59 60 and over. Packet Pick-up: Packets will be available Thursday and Friday from 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 ...
DIY Food Gifts (Making Flavored Vinegars and Spiced Apples)
high-quality homemade food gifts: Wednesday, December 6- Making flavored vinegars Wednesday, December 20 ...
DLS Helps to DIY
encourage him/her to reach for them, and crawl or toddle after the bubbles. In between blows, encourage ...
G. Kaletunc
219 I need Room 219 to be reserved on Wednesday February 1st between 12:30-1:30pm Thanks. ...