
Search results

  1. ASABE Fall Social

    Tuesday, November 4th, 6-9pm Toos Under High Food will be provided ...

  2. 2011 Ohio 4-H Dairy Judging Contest at Spring Dairy Expo

    animals.  Some youth participate in both contests, and it is quite a rigorous day as they complete FFA tests ...

  3. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    nutrient levels, I used a target cow milking 70 lb/day at 3.7% fat and 3.1% protein eating 50 lb/day. In ... milk. Our efficient cows that produce more milk and maintain a high milk fat percentage are currently ...

  4. First Harvest of Forages is Just Around the Corner!

    high quality forage is essential, and should be given priority over row crop planting, especially if ... goals. Harvest in the boot stage for high quality orchardgrass, ryegrass, tall fescue, and reed ...

  5. MFC Group

    departmental, college, university, and national levels including OSU's Alumni Award for Distinguished ... conversion effort at multiple levels including in her department, on college-level committees in both the ...

  6. Pork Producers and Dairy Farmers Watchful of the Trade Conflict

    billion in products imported from China every year. This would add to the already $50 billion in Chinese ...

  7. Gautam Shirsekar

    in recognition of high achievement in research and service to the Department of Plant Pathology, the ... relationship between Spl11 and other defense signaling genes in rice. Poster presented at Centennial meeting of ... Kaushal K, Yadav SR, Shirsekar GS and Pandey HN. 2005. Linkage between the stem rust resistance gene Sr ...

  8. Quality Assurance Test Out

    You must RSVP to Kevin Harris by Thursday, January 23, 2020 at or 513-887-6650.  The Make-Up date in case of inclement weather will be Monday, February 3, 2020 at 6:30 pm. ...

  9. Farmers Must Prepare for the Unthinkable

    hospital. “I wasn’t able to return to the barns for almost six months.” Those barns are on his 50 ...

  10. Human Resource Managers' Forum Will Feature Job Description and At-Will Employment Guidance

    of $50 for MAAHS members and $70 for non-MAAHS members includes lunch and materials. Participation in ...
