
Search results

  1. Important Tips to Make Next Year’s Garden a Success

     Soil testing in late summer provides the critical information you need to amend the soil before ... the soil condition.  In southwest Ohio, this year has been an excellent example of why well-drained ... soil is beneficial.  After significant rain, do your plants' roots sit in waterlogged soil for an ...

  2. Q&A with Dr. Carin A. Helfer

    focused on science education outreach to middle and high school students and as a Research Scientist in ... specifically on polymer characterization to understand the relationship between molecular structure and ... choices in high school, before choosing Chemical Engineering, which were in the medical professions.   3. ...

  3. 2020 Clover 5K and Walk & Serve

    between 9:30 and noon (open house style). The service portion of the event if FREE! We hope to see you ...

  4. CD Wire- April 6, 2020

    with communities both at the municipal and grassroots levels and has always strived to strengthen ... can provide helpful tools for supporting communities through this time of crisis.  Take the pre-test ... at the organizational, community, and systems level. By the end of this webinar, participants will be ...

  5. CARTEENS Class

    parent/guardian regardless of age. Credit card payment is required in the amount of  $50.  Registration for this ...

  6. COSI Farm Days

    Observe a beehive, and meet with local farmers to learn about where your food comes from. Test your ...

  7. American Indian/Indigenous

    Library-Index of Native American Cultural Resources-a clearinghouse for information on the various tribes from ...

  8. Cultivating an Inclusive Environment: Recognizing and Responding to Unconscious Bias

    participants are asked to take a few online tests developed by Harvard University to detect unconscious biases ... and preferences. The Implicit Associations Tests are brief, easy to complete and informative, They can ...

  9. 2020 FABE Scholarships and Awards

    Jacquelyn Blanchard (Master's Level) Asmita Khanal (PhD Level) FABE Graduate Teaching Award Owen Meehl ...

  10. CD Wire- May 24, 2021

    attention between issues. Have a great week and remember: “Positive thinking will let you do everything ... employee whose service anniversary date is between March 22, 2020 through June 30, 2021. This extension ...
