
Search results

  1. Ohio Sheep Day- Caldwell, Ohio

    memberships can be purchased during registration. Contact information: Roger A. High, 614-246-8299,  ...

  2. Building for Berries: New trellis systems installed at South Centers

    a good, high-quality blackberry crop from year to year, despite some very devastating winter temperatures ...

  3. Coyotes

    coyote behavior, community-level strategies for urban and rural management, how to minimize conflict, and ...

  4. Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference

    titles typically are: Corn University Soybean School Cover Crops Nutrient Management Soil & Water ... Islam, Program Director of  Soil, Water and Bioenergy, OSU South Centers  is one of the speakers. The title of ... his talk is: "Cropping Diversity Improves No-till Soil Quality, Crop Productivity, and Water ...

  5. Study Abroad Memories

    in sports medicine.  I grew up on a strawberry farm though and played several sports in high ... and more. I highly recommend anyone go abroad whether it’s for school or work. I’m hoping to work ...

  6. Helpful Resources for Fruit Growers

    a high tunnel for an earlier harvest and higher yields. We are also on course to wrap up our Laser Guided ...

  7. OSU Buckeyes at the Memorial Tournament- Dublin, Ohio

    University Alumni Association's suite. High above the par-3 16th hole, the suite provides a tee-to-green ...

  8. Volunteer with CFAES to Spruce Up a Children's Garden- Columbus, Ohio

    crops, till the soil, spread mulch, groom flower beds and rows, transplant seedlings, and other garden ...

  9. Deadline: Office of International Affairs Academic Enrichment Grants

    including those that: Promote active research collaborations between Ohio State faculty and partners Address ... initiative. The research competition will fund between 10 and 15 awards of $3,000 to $8,000. For more ...

  10. Communications

    group they are interested in reaching. To create a trial experience, producers can offer taste testings ...
