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  1. Livestock and Meats Judging Teams Recognition and Fundraising Banquet

    The 2013 edition will feature the 5, 10, 25 and 50 year anniversary teams, in addition to ...

  2. Academic Dismissal

    Any student in academic difficulty is at risk of being dismissed from the university. There is no ...

  3. Double Stranded DNA

    challenge with alternatives for materials and test setup as well as information to help make the design ...

  4. Candy Catching Enzymes

    how to run the design challenge with alternatives for materials and test setup as well as information ...

  5. Ground Water Contamination

    how to run the design challenge with alternatives for materials and test setup as well as information ...

  6. Marvelous Sub-Atomic Matter

    information on how to run the design challenge with alternatives for materials and test setup as well as ...

  7. Football Knee Braces

    the design challenge with alternatives for materials and test setup as well as information to help ...

  8. The Costs of Nutrients and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    of about 10¢/Mcal, NEL is still a highly priced nutrient  For MP, its current price (41.2¢/lb) is ... also greater than its 6-year average (28¢/lb).  Thus, we are currently in a period of very high dietary ... 6-year average (-9¢/lb).  Meanwhile, unit costs of e-NDF are historically high, being priced at about ...

  9. Milk Price Outlook

    unexpected. Commercial use of milk during the third quarter rose from year earlier levels. Stocks of dairy ...

  10. Applications for Water First for Thirst Teen Leadership Board Due

    fitness projects, but  all   youth between 15 &18 are encouraged to apply!   This is a great community ... include unhealthy dietary behaviors such as high consumption of sweetened beverages; low fruit, vegetable, ...
