
Search results

  1. Past CFAES Alumni Award Winners

    MS '50, BS '49 Horticulture  Ruth L. Strader- BS '51 Family Resource Management  David ... '52, BS '50 Animal Science  Thomas M. Stockdale- MS '59 Biological Sciences, BS '55 ... Seiberling- MS '51, BS '50 Dairy Technology  L.A. Swiger- BS '54 Animal Sciences  Lawrence G. ...

  2. 4-H Horse Publications & Resources

    priced between $50 and $85. Visit their online catalog at The Russell Meerdink Co. ...

  3. Important reminders for SP24 Early Alert and Intervention  Per our usual practice, we will be requesting information from all ... and grades, attendance, and any other indicators of student success or risk that you have collected.  ... information in a timely manner. Identification and intervention with at-risk students  are a critical part of ...

  4. Long Term Care and the Farm Webinar

      An analysis of Long-Term Care costs and discussion of strategies to help mitigate risks to ...

  5. Roping

    meets or exceeds current ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials)/SEI (Safety Equipment ...

  6. Make an Eclipse UV Bead Bookmark

    noted, all images provided by by Getty Images. ALL SOLAR ECLIPSE VIEWING RISKS BORNE BY ... THE VIEWER. Any and all risks associated by viewing the solar eclipse on any property operated by, or ...

  7. About the Farm Financial Management and Policy Institute (FFMPI)

    Agricultural Finance, Agricultural Production and Risk Management, Human Resources, Agricultural Policy, and ... in farm financial management and agricultural policy. Develop a structure to link state-level topical ...

  8. Institutional Data Policy Awareness Activity Due April 26

    one step closer to completing Level One and your annual, university-required cybersecurity awareness ...

  9. Calendar of events

    include a 50/50 raffle and card games and refreshments will be available. All donations will benefit the ... for its third annual reverse raffle. Tickets are $50 and a meal and drinks are included. Guests must ... players in the club level of Huntington Stadium after the conclusion of the game. Tickets are $17 each and ...

  10. Camera Obscura (Pinhole Camera)

    (INTERMEDIATE to ADVANCED level) |  PDF for PRINTING NOTE: It is never safe to look at the sun without proper ... sun during a total solar eclipse. A total solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the sun ... tracing paper should be between the tubes. The aluminum foil should face out. Using the pushpin, gently ...
