
Search results

  1. FIRST-TIME Fertilizer Certification Webinar- 3 HOUR

    more than 50 acres of crops grown for sale in Ohio. It is not required for lawn and landscape ...

  2. Food Safety

    certain procedures must be followed precisely to ensure a high-quality, safe product that they and their ...

  3. Dairy Internships

    farm level or within dairy processing, gain experience with dairy education and communications, or help ...

  4. Dhakal and Katari receive ASABE Presentation Excellence Awards

    that demonstrate excellence in content, delivery, and impact, showing a high level of expertise and ... a student, it is incredibly rewarding to be recognized at the national level for my presentation," said ...

  5. Information session to be held for the FEEPASS program

    between Ohio State University and The University of Glasgow (Scotland) College of Veterinary Medicine. If ...

  6. Information session to be held for the FEEPASS program

    between Ohio State University and The University of Glasgow (Scotland) College of Veterinary Medicine. If ...

  7. Job Aids

    source(s) of a variance. Find Journal Lines- OSU- Detail level, fiscal year, open report-in red bar, can ...

  8. Lorrayne Miralha

    aligned, may lead to high-quality water for all. Her work has focused on Uncovering the linkages between ...

  9. Engaged Scholarship Symposium – Nov. 1

    Join the Office of Outreach and Engagement for the Engaged Scholarship Symposium on Nov. 1. This event will highlight faculty, staff, graduate students, and community partners who are co-creating scholarship. ...

  10. Fraud Training Required by Oct. 29

    Per the Auditor of State’s guidance, all current Ohio State employees — including all university and medical center faculty, staff (regular, term, temporary, and intermittent), graduate associates, and student employees — must complete a fraud training by ...
