
Search results

  1. Vinayak Shedekar

    ( Sundermeier A.P., and  Shedekar, V.S.  The PLFA Soil Health Test.  C.O.R.N. Newsletter  (2019-09), ... cereale) cover crop impact soil chemistry: An emphasis on trace metals and plant nutrients.  Soil Science ... V., King, K., Mehan, S., and Kalcic, M. 2022. Representing soil health practice effects on soil ...

  2. Debbie Surprises but Drought Intensifies Across the Southeast

    average through Thursday, with highs in the 70s and overnight lows in the 40s and 50s. A warming trend ... begins this weekend, with highs pushing back into the 80s and 90s. Rainfall is forecast to be at a minmum ... (Figure 3). Climate averages include a high-temperature range of 81-85°F, a low-temperature range of ...

  3. Wheat Management for Fall 2014

    test levels are higher than 50 ppm. Soil potassium should be maintained at levels of 100, 120, and 140 ... maintained between 25-40 ppm for optimum production. If the soil test indicates less than 25 ppm, then apply ... potassium needs. Wheat requires more phosphorus than corn or soybean, and soil test levels should be ...

  4. Plan Now for Fall Fertilization of Perennial Forages

    When soil test P exceeds the agronomic level of 50 PPM, there is increased  potential of P losses into ... For example, many dairies have high levels of soil P, making the expense of fertilizer P unnecessary. ... over-application harms the environment and can harm animals fed those forages. A recent soil test should always ...

  5. CARTEENS Class

    payment is required in the amount of  $50.  Click here   to register. Cancellation/No-Show/Date Change:  ...

  6. Regional Updates: June 18 – 24, 2024

    Central and West Central Ohio, with an estimated 25-50% of fields harvested in the region. Reported yields ... have ranged between 80 and 115 bu/ac. Area growers have taken advantage of an early wheat harvest and ... above average so far. Northwest- Wood County Extension Educator Nick Eckel reported that soil conditions ...

  7. Exploring Crop and Livestock Integration: Barriers and Benefits- Wayne County

    Over the last 50 years, both crop and livestock production systems in the U.S. have become ... systems. During this event attendees will consider soil health results and other on-farm data from our ... project is supported by a grant from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture.   Soil and Water ...

  8. Lime Considerations

    for grazing animals. Soil test magnesium levels need to be greater than 50 ppm (100 lb) for optimal ... corn, soybean, wheat, and alfalfa production on fine to medium textured soils and greater than 35 ppm on ... magnesium ratio is larger than 1. High calcium lime should be used in situations where the soil test calcium ...

  9. Regional Corn Yield Forecasts for 2024: July 23 Outcomes

    recent reports indicated limited rainfall and dry soil conditions potentially leading to crop stress in ... window this year, over 50% of corn fields have reached the silking stage, R1 (Figure 2). ... respective adverse and favorable weather scenarios during the rest of the season). † Probability of obtaining ...

  10. Velasquez-Giraldo visualizes a new plant-based meat alternative at CEMAS

    developing a new high protein plant-based meat analog with increased fat through extrusion, under the advice ... Velasquez-Giraldo is using the technology to promote fibrous structures that improve the quality of high ... -protein alternative products. The high temperatures in cooking section of the extruder, combined with the low ...
