
Search results

  1. HCS Alumni Spotlight: Mike Sanders

    Course in Cincinnati under Dan Walter during high school. I had always mowed lawns since I was a kid and ... Dan was my high school golf coach at the time. He offered me a job as a groundskeeper under him and ... career? My time at HCS not only gave me the basic fundamentals educationally to manage high quality ...

  2. Caitlyn Tasney Receives the CFAES Distinguished Senior Award

    I was always on the go with both work and school, while also making time between both of those to play ...

  3. Dr. Eugene Law

    Dr. Eugene Law Assistant Professor- Weed Ecology 50% Research | 30% Teaching | 20% Extension ... from weeds that survive to maturity from being returned to the soil seedbank at harvest) developed in ...

  4. Adventures at the 2023 Tri-Societies Meeting

    Test: A 50-Year Summary " Thank you and a big congrats to everyone who took the time to share their ... the  American Society of Agronomy   (ASA),  Crop Science Society of America  (CSSA), and  Soil Science ... Students of Agronomy, Soil & Environmental Sciences (SASES) program. SASES activities range from ...

  5. Future Students

    scenarios. Classes are small and labs are even smaller, allowing for individualized learning and attention. ...

  6. Postdoctoral Scholar Positions

    watersheds for water quality and soil health benefits under climate change using high-resolution watershed ... using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) or similar field to watershed scale models. · Experience ... links:   Research Soil Scientist/Agricultural Engineer/Physical ...

  7. AgTech Innovation Hub Announces Inaugural Research Projects

    Hub is a unique partnership between the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences ... to address and/or understand the risks associated with climate change. Amongst the teams are several ... (Chemistry and Biochemistry), and Dr. Christopher Taylor (Plant Path), have developed and are testing an ...

  8. 4-H Advisory Committee

    youth to represent the county at various state level events such as Citizenship Washington Focus. This ...

  9. Agricultural Systems Management

    careers. Four areas of emplasis allow students to specialize their degree further in either Soil and Water, ...

  10. Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering

    food products. Agricultural engineering allows students to focus on soil and water, structures and ...
