
Search results

  1. Seed and Livestock Feed Uses for 2015 Wheat Grain Crop

    vomitoxin but high levels of scabby kernels in harvested grain should be suspect. If you suspect mold/toxins ... However, if you absolutely HAVE to plant scabby wheat, cleaning, germ test, and fungicide seed treatment ... test weight to about 56 lb/bu after cleaning and your germination rate is above 80%, then you have ...

  2. Well Water Interpretation Tool Dissolved gas Carbon Dioxide (CO 2) mg/L ppm Hydrogen Sulfide (H 2 S) mg/L ppm Methane (Dissolved ... in water) mg/L ppm Field parameter pH pH Specific Conductivity umhos/cm uS/cm Total Dissolved Solids ... (TDS) mg/L ppm Total Suspended Solids mg/L ppm Turbidity NTU Inorganic major constituent Alkalinity mg/L ...

  3. Nitrate (as N)

    MCL MCL ADVISORY- ACTION IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Nitrate levels were detected in your water sample to ... sample but do not exceed the maximum contaminant level. 0.09- 0.6 Values above 2.0 ppm indicate surfaces ... agriculture or where there is a high density of septic systems. HEALTH ADVISORY Infants below the age of six ...

  4. Undergraduate Summer Research Experiences

    Research Opportunities Program (SROP) SROP is a collaboration between the  Big Ten Academic Alliance. ... opportunity for motivated graduating high school seniors and current underclassmen at college or university over ...

  5. Grievance procedures

    acceptable result, the student is advised to work with a department level administrator (such as a graduate ...

  6. Exploring Crop & Livestock Integration: Barriers & Benefits Field Day

    prices, soil health concerns, and extreme weather events have led many Ohio row crop growers to consider ... and interview data from 31 Ohio farms to compare outcomes associated with different levels of crop and ... to crop and livestock integration, as well as soil health study results, and a catered meal. For more ...

  7. Alkalinity

    does not pose a direct health risk. AESTHETIC EFFECTS High alkalinity (above 500 mg/l) is usually ... 400.00 ppm mg/L ppm Inorganic major constituent ACTION IS RECOMMENDED   Alkalinity levels were detected ... hardness it may indicate the elevated levels of chloride, nitrate, or sulfate. HEALTH EFFECTS Alkalinity ...

  8. Fall Is a Great Time to Evaluate Weed Control Methods

    products are most effective when daytime temperatures are in the 50s or higher and nighttime temperatures ... attack on weeds. Practicing integrated weed management over time will help to draw down your soil seed ...

  9. Total organic carbon (TOC)

    Trihalomethanes for more information. mg/L ppm Nutrient ACTION IS OPTIONAL Total organic carbon levels were ... chlorinated organics may contribute to systhetic sources.   Higher levels of TOC suggest water quality ... impact.  Total organic carbon provides a medium for the formation of disinfection byproducts.  These ...

  10. Managing Stress Is Key For An Enjoyable Holiday- Here Are Some Tips

    realistic. We often have high expectations for ourselves and feel upset when our celebrations don’t live up ...
