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Remote Sensing in Precision Agriculture
versus hyperspectral); and spatial (high, medium and low), temporal (hourly, daily and weekly) and ... for UAVs images include high overlap (approximately 80% frontal overlap and 60% side overlap) between ... provides the tools and technologies to identify in-field soil and crop variability, offering a means to ...
Physical Properties of Granular Fertilizers and Impact on Spreading
equates to a SGN = 150. Using sieves, once can interpret a SGN of 150 as 50% of particles were retained on ... increases, leading to high risk of product segregation during spreading. Table 1 provides the following SGN ... percentile level, respectively, for a sample d 50 = the median diameter for a sample UI (uniformity ...
On-Farm Biosecurity: Traffic Control and Sanitation
will be used to reduce pathogen levels. What Are the Greatest Risks for Disease Introduction? Although ... feed, animals, soil or manure. Any sampling equipment should be cleaned and disinfected between uses. ... plastic bag or container before re-entering the vehicle. High-Risk Visitors High-risk visitors to the farm ...
Sours, Tatum collect 2024 ASABE awards
excelled and demonstrated leadership on the local, national and /or international levels as shown by their ... activities and offices held at each level. The candidate who receives this award should also have expressed ...
Diabetes and Your Health
increased risk for diabetes, you should see a doctor and be tested for diabetes. Warning Signs of Type ... : Frequent blood-sugar testing will help check your glucose level. Some people test their glucose several ... diabetes. Another 86 million people have pre-diabetes, meaning that their blood glucose levels are higher ...
Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Potatoes
a cool, dry, dark place that is well ventilated. The ideal temperature is between 45–50 degrees ... broth to a boil over medium high heat. While broth is heating, chop vegetables. Add chopped potatoes, ... potatoes = about 3 medium potatoes 3 cups peeled and sliced 2½ cups peeled and diced 2 cups mashed 2 cups ...
Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Blueberries, Blackberries, and Raspberries
folate, and vitamin K. One of the most important health benefits of berries stems from their high level of ... blackberries become dull black in color and begin to soften and sweeten. Fruit is medium to large sized. Each ... phytochemicals, which are non-nutrient components that scientists believe may help reduce the risk of chronic ...
Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio Forests: Japanese Stiltgrass
tolerate low-light environments with sufficient soil nutrients and moisture; conversely, it can tolerate ... especially when aided by disturbance that exposes bare mineral soil. Where white-tailed deer are abundant, ... help to limit the spread of seed into non-infested areas. Place high priority in controlling stiltgrass ...
Biomass Availability in Northwest Ohio
levels are too high, harvesting equipment excessively compresses the soil, adversely affecting yields in ... Harvest is only possible when soil moisture levels are acceptable for field operations—when soil moisture ... require contracting. If yields on marginal soils approach 6–9 tons, then pricing of $50–$60 per ton should ...
Using °Brix as an Indicator of Vegetable Quality: An Overview of the Practice
surprisingly, companies rely heavily on panel testing, which is time-consuming and costly. Of course, farmers ... and produce managers and handlers cannot run extensive panel tests to identify which product(s) may ... others can rely on proven indicators of quality and field-friendly tools for measuring them. The level of ...