
Search results

  1. Forage as Vegetative Cover for Utility-Scale Solar in Ohio

    soil temperatures reach 45–50 degrees Fahrenheit, typically during April and May in Ohio. Cool-season ... Barker, and Tilmon 2017). Complete all soil tests and adjustments prior to seed selection and planting. ... growing season. Soil tests should be taken every three years and fertilizer applications should be ...

  2. Timber Theft in Ohio

    rebounding since the recent Great Recession. Several high profile timber theft incidents have received ... answer is really quite simple. Timber has value! The monetary value of timber in Ohio can be highly ... variable, but it can be as high as a few thousand dollars per tree or tens of thousands of dollars per acre. ...

  3. Effectiveness of Turbodrop® and Turbo Teejet® Nozzles in Drift Reduction

    droplets smaller than 50, 100 and 150 microns. VMD is the most widely used parameter of droplet size. It is ... the volume contains droplets larger than VMD. Typically, a nozzle with a high VMD presents a low risk ... organism. Therefore, small-to-medium size droplets are desirable when applying insecticides and fungicides ...

  4. Phosphorus (P) Nutrient Use in Ohio

    percent of Ohio counties had decreasing trends in mean soil test P (STP) levels between 1993 and 2015. ... a large degree for given soil test P (STP) values and crop production levels. In instances with the same ... reduced median soil test P (STP) levels across most Ohio counties from 1995 to 2015 supports this finding ...

  5. Wastewater Management in Rural Communities

    Natural Resource Onsite Treatment Technology Level of Management Deep, Permeable Soil (at least 3 feet to ... treated wastewater a high-technology treatment plant that can remove all water pollutants attentive and ... highly trained people to operate and manage the collection and treatment system Option 2 Collect ...

  6. Know The Rules When Employing Minors on Your Farm

    between the employer and a minor before employment begins. For the protection of the employer, this ...

  7. Pulsed Electric Field Processing Applications in the Food Industry

    field (PEF) processing is a new food pasteurization method that uses short bursts of high voltage ... Does PEF Work? PEF processing applies high voltage pulses (20–80 kV/cm) with a duration of milliseconds ... to microseconds to treat liquid foods placed between two electrodes (Zhang et al. 2010; Toepfl, ...

  8. Fall Strip Tillage Systems: An Introduction

    4 inches high, which improves soil drainage and warming. By spring, it usually settles down to 1 to ... alternative to plowing. Benefits of strip tillage soil conservation –undisturbed residue between corn rows ... the field should be flat. It is important not to apply nitrogen in the fall to soils above 50°F as ...

  9. The Organic Certification Process for Farms

    sustainable production methods. However, organic certification is the most highly regulated food production ... biodiversity, and soil health. Organic farms do not use synthetic chemical inputs such as mineral fertilizers, ... horticultural crops. Soil health and fertility are addressed with natural sources of organic matter and soil ...

  10. Manure and Compost: Nitrogen Availability in Organic Production

    prevent excessive soil nutrient levels. Volatilization Losses Immediate incorporation or injection of ... Incorporation Bare Soil 40 50 75 90 No Incorporation Standing Crop 20 25 40 50 1 day Bare Soil 10 15 25 50 2 day ... Manure and compost nitrogen content and availability can vary greatly between species of animals that ...
