
Search results

  1. Postdoctoral research demonstrates power of machine learning to advance ecosystem prediction

    a peer-reviewed journal covering research on the relationships between meteorology and the fields of plant, ... animal, and soil sciences, ecology, and biogeochemistry.   Gaur's article, titled "Explainable ... exchange of energy between plants and the atmosphere. This process is a critical component of modern land ...

  2. Introductory HACCP

    Cancellations must be received before August 28 to receive a partial refund. There is a $50 cancellation fee. No ... Individuals who test positive or experience symptoms of COVID-19 cannot attend the course and will be provided ...

  3. Eleven graduate students defend projects, research

    and co-advisor Dr. Tracy Kitchel Erica Summerfield; T he Influence of Agricultural Safety Framing on High School ...

  4. Katelyn Moreno

    245 kw   Hi Casey this is a test Wednesday, March 27, 2024- 3:30pm to 4:30pm ...

  5. Summerfield awarded graduate associate teaching award by OSU graduate school

    leadership. GATA is the premier award for celebrating excellence in teaching at the graduate level. Recipients ...

  6. Ally Lewis blends science and art through NASA Psyche Inspired internship program

    The NASA Psyche mission is a journey to a unique metal-rich asteroid orbiting the Sun between Mars ...

  7. ACEL students, faculty participate in AZP experience in DC

    between food, agriculture, and the environment.  While in DC, AZP members had the opportunity to connect ...

  8. 174th Butler County Fair Coming July 21-27, 2024

    aspirations for the future education more civic active report better grades and higher levels of academic ...

  9. Two FABE faculty awarded Global Gateways Initiative grants

    "Effectiveness of Restoration Practices on Strem Ecosystems in Riparian Forests between Brazil and the United ... soil degradation and water management issues in India’s Western Ghats Region" The Western Ghats ... region in India, endowed with fertile soils and abundant water resources, has faced soil degradation and ...

  10. Congratulations, Jill Byers!

    dedication to OACAC; contributions to the profession of high school guidance and college admission; and ...
