
Search results

  1. SNAP-Ed

    has developed as a partnership between the Ohio Department of Job & Family Services and Ohio State ...

  2. Accepting Participants for 3 Minute Thesis Competition

    presentation) winners, to compete at the 3MT college level completion. The 3MT is an extension of the Hayes ... This year's 3MT competition is using a new process which will include a college-level review. ... university level competition. ...

  3. SNAP-Ed

    has developed as a partnership between the Ohio Department of Job & Family Services and Ohio State ...

  4. Wooster Science Cafe- The Science of Stream Health

    between the public and scientists about contemporary topics. December 7, 2022 The Science of Stream Health ... Vaughn Anderson, Holmes County Health Department Robert Kastner, Wayne Soil and Water Conservation ...

  5. Precision Agriculture

    Global Positioning System (GPS), guidance systems, plant and soil sensors, soil sampling, yield mapping ...

  6. Design of Agricultural Water Management Systems

    FABENG 5730 Use of soil physics, porous media flow theory, soil-plant interactions, hydrology, and ...

  7. FABE Professor is Spinning Food Processing Waste into 'Gold'

    characterized the sample contents’ physical and chemical properties and tested some starchy wastes they ... example.  “We aligned this work with the Environmental Protection Agency  goal  to reduce 50% of food loss ...

  8. Dual and Combined Degrees

    State and  complete them in less time  by sharing credits between them. A  dual degree program  is when ...

  9. Phytotechnology and Phytoremediation

    treating polluted soil and water. Traditional methods as well as new trends and current research in ...

  10. Distinguished Senior Spotlight: Cassidy Brozovich

    fact about her is that she was once an avid percussionist, playing the drums until the end of high ...
