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  1. Southwest Ohio Corn Growers Field Day

    blood testing.  Also, at 8:30 am the Fayette County 4-H program will have complimentary coffee and ...

  2. Plant Tissue Test

    Tissue Testing.pdf June, 2024 ...

  3. Look Out for Nitrogen Loss Due to Heavy Rains

    N fertilizer was applied recently in such fields, especially without incorporation into the soil, there is high ... in Corn from Recent Storms Determine N in the soil: Pre-Sidedress Nitrogen test (PSNT) can be done to ... N would be needed in this article: Estimated and Soil Test Methods to Determine Supplemental N need after ...

  4. Lep Monitoring Network – Corn Earworm Update # 11

    counterparts and the primary distinguishing feature between the two is size. Imposters tend to be significantly ...

  5. Soil Testing

    Agriculture, Food and Environment for soil testing services. Information and soil testing bags are available at ... Ohio State University Extension about  Soil Testing for Ohio Lawns, Landscapes, Fruit Crops, and ... Vegetable Gardens Home Garden Soil Testing Form  (fillable pdf) (For Garden or small scale horticulture ...

  6. Battle for the Belt: Season 2 Episode 10- June Weather Update

    Climatologist of Ohio, gives us a June weather update! Tune in and watch his weather and soil condition updates ... Research Station, and Wooster Campus, with the day of planting, soil, air temperature averages, and Growing ... Precipitation (Inches) (May 27- June 2) 2-inch soil temperature  (May 27- June 2) Air Temperature (May 27- June ...

  7. Statewide and Region Phosphorus Nutrient Use in Ohio

    trends in mean soil test P (STP) levels between 1993 and 2015. Since 2003, Ohio's P 2 O 5 removal ... P recommendations from 1995 to today, review changes in soil test phosphorus (STP), and identify the sources of ... declines in Soil Test P. Soil test P is one factor that can mitigate chronic P loss at the edge of a field. ...

  8. Battle for the Belt: Season 2 Episode 4- Chilling Injury

    conditions using some lab experiments. We planted soybeans into field soil (starting at 20% or 60% available ... 50°F or 35°F, cut the emergence totals in half. Application of ice after planting was less damaging to ... less) compared to those planted at the normal depth of 1.5-inch when the soil was drier (20% available ...

  9. Summer-like Weather Sets In

    a high-temperature range of 73-77°F, a low-temperature range of 50-55°F, and weekly total precipitation of ... Summary High temperatures reached 90°F in Toledo and Findlay on Monday for the first time in 2024. ... Temperatures in the upper 80s to low 90s are well above the average highs in the low to mid 70s for middle May ...

  10. LEP Monitoring Network – First week for Corn Earworm and closing out Black Cutworm / True Armyworm Update # 8

    3 rd to June 9 th. Counties with the highest averages included Clinton (5.0), Hardin (2.0), and ... mentioned in our most recent newsletter, counties with high trap numbers throughout the season should pay ... counties that have had high averages thus far, especially in fields that were previously planted to cover ...
