
Search results

  1. Belonging and Connection

    valued for who they are, tend to perform better academically, report higher levels of well-being, and ... have higher levels of motivation.  There are several ways you can make new friends and connections at ...

  2. Finding Connections on Campus

    valued for who they are, tend to perform better academically, report higher levels of well-being, and ... have higher levels of motivation.  There are several ways you can make new friends and connections at ...

  3. Law Library Flip Boxes Row 6

    your farm. Water Water pollution, soil and water conservation, water quality regulations, water rights, ...

  4. Practicing Bystander Intervention Strategies

    Participants will practice what they have learned using real-life scenarios. Register ...

  5. Agritourism, Zoonotic Diseases and Legal Liability Webinar

    million judgment against the farm, a testament to the risks of interaction between farm animals and ... registrants. It is recommended that you test your computer for software compatibility prior to the webinar by ...

  6. Partners gather for Trimble Technologies Lab ribbon cutting

    such as machine guidance control and steering in the classroom, as well as field leveling and water ...

  7. Diversity and Social Justice Glossary

    identity is between the two traditional genders; or 3) A person who rejects gender roles entirely. ... ancestry, intrinsic quality, high intellect, wealth, special skill, or experience are more likely to be ... woman. Genderfluid: A gender identity characterized by fluctuation between masculine/feminine/other ...

  8. Our new Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents Survey Summary is out!

    Learn how continued high crop prices, reasonable crop margins and relatively healthy farm balance ...

  9. Lawn Mower Clinic 2023

    the Agricultural Systems Management Club will be hosting its Annual Lawn Mower Clinic! For  $50, we will service ...

  10. When Good Intentions Backfire: Understanding the Impacts of Common Microaggressions

    This highly interactive 90-minute program will take a deeper dive into frequently witnessed and ... a variety of real-life microaggression scenarios. Participation in this event qualifies for 1 credit toward ...
