
Search results

  1. ATI-Soil Water Conservation- ENGTECH 2040T

    Lang,Forrest Michael, ATI instructor Repeats every week every Monday and every Wednesday and every Friday until Fri May 03 2024. Monday, January 8, 2024- 10:15am to Friday, May 3, 2024- 11:15am Wednesday, January 10, 2024- 10:15am to Sunday, May 5, 2024- ...

  2. Partners Gather to Kickoff Pilot Watershed Project

    quality changes in a productive agricultural watershed. The project will evaluate soil health, nutrient ... Bowling Green State University will lead research to examine soil health in the watershed and identify ... project.  Doug Deardorff,  resource conservationist with Hardin Soil and Water Conversation District serves ...

  3. Law Library Flip Boxes Row 6

    your farm. Water Water pollution, soil and water conservation, water quality regulations, water rights, ...

  4. Agritourism, Zoonotic Diseases and Legal Liability Webinar

    million judgment against the farm, a testament to the risks of interaction between farm animals and ... registrants. It is recommended that you test your computer for software compatibility prior to the webinar by ...

  5. Partners gather for Trimble Technologies Lab ribbon cutting

    such as machine guidance control and steering in the classroom, as well as field leveling and water ...

  6. Our new Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents Survey Summary is out!

    Learn how continued high crop prices, reasonable crop margins and relatively healthy farm balance ...

  7. Lawn Mower Clinic 2023

    the Agricultural Systems Management Club will be hosting its Annual Lawn Mower Clinic! For  $50, we will service ...

  8. Calculate Long-Term Care Risks

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  9. Federal Task Force to Develop Registry for Recreational Drone Use

    a flight ceiling of 500 feet above ground level and no nighttime flights.” The task force that was ... between 2014 and 2015, with incidents reported at major sporting events, flights near manned aircraft and ... on which aircraft should be exempt from registration due to a low safety risk, including toys and ...

  10. FABE Post-Doctoral Scholar Places First in the 2023 CFAES Research Forum and Poster Competition

    levels in the college, including undergraduate students, graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, and ... applications. To address this issue, a new type of valve called an air-piloted PWM pinch valve was tested. This ... components, which prevents the pesticides from causing malfunctions. Tests were conducted to compare the ...
