
Search results

  1. Help for Injured or Aging Farmers

    AgrAbility tent on Land Avenue between Market and Kottman streets. The daily workshops for those who work ...

  2. Ohio State Leads Effort to Prep Students for Biobased Careers

    bioeconomy industry will need highly educated young people with excellent skills to work effectively in ...

  3. Registration Open for OVIFT Symposium

    Food: Novel Technologies for Safe and High Quality Foods". The symposium takes place on Monday, ...

  4. How Prepared Are You for a Potential Grain Engulfment?

    should help you assess the preparedness level of your own farm and employees and get you started in ...

  5. Endeavor Center Achievements

    more than 1,300 high-skill, high-wage jobs, adding more than 115 million dollars of direct economic ...

  6. Aquaponics workshop… What a thumbs-up experience!

    Aquaculture Boot Camp (ABC) program event. This workshop brought together around 50 new and advanced ...

  7. Endeavor Center and Small Business Development Center

    staff in meeting the needs of the local business community. This funding will increase levels of staff ...

  8. Happy Healthy Holidays – How to manage your work and health while indulging in holiday treats and parties

    go the emergency room because their blood sugar is too high or too low). This article has several ...

  9. Dr. Ken Lee named 2014 recipient of the Harold Macy Award

    technology transfer or cooperation between scientists or technologists in any two of the following settings: ...

  10. Aquaculture Boot Camp (ABC) achievements and impacts 2016

    aquaponics in the region as a result of this program.   This past fall, we selected 33 highly motivated new ...
