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Faces of Ohio 4-H
a member ended, his involvement in the program continued. “After high school, I majored in agriculture ...
4-H Members Explore Ag Careers
really high-quality products. It connected what we do in 4-H with what happens in meat processing and ...
Test email
Heading: This is your first email Intro text: This is just an example email. You can delete this whenever you feel like it. Button context: Go to CFAES " style="text-align: center; text-decoration: none;"> CFAES Homepage Gray bar, w ...
4H Members Across Ohio Boost Leadership Skills and Civic Engagement at 4-H’s Citizen Washington Focus
engagement program for high-school youth held at the National 4-H Youth Conference Center in Chevy Chase, ... MD. For more than 50 years, National 4-H Youth Conference Center has invited 4-H members from across ...
Test email
Heading: This is your first email Intro text: This is just an example email. You can delete this whenever you feel like it. Button context: Go to CFAES " style="text-align: center; text-decoration: none;"> CFAES Homepage Gray bar, w ...
CGC Test Item #6. Sit and Down on Command/Staying in Place This test demonstrates that the dog has ... training and will respond to the handler’s commands to sit and down. The test also shows that the dog will ... stay in place on command. This test has three parts: Sit on Command, Down on Command, and Stay on ...
CGC Test Item #7. Coming When Called This test demonstrates that the dog will come when called by ... the handler. The 20-foot long line is still attached to the dog after completing Test #6. The handler ... away. This exercise does not test “stay,” but whether the dog will come when called. The test is ...
PetPALS Socialized Test
Socialized PetPALS (SPP) Tests The Socialized PetPALS (SPP) test is for all acceptable animals but ... dogs. This test was modified (with permission) from the American Kennel Club’s (AKC) Canine Good ... Citizen® (CGC) Test. The 4-H PetPALS team must pass all 9 Socialized PetPALS Test items for the animal to ...
Waste not, want not? Examining ways to minimize food losses
fear the tomato. “A poison apple,” they called it. In truth, the tomato’s high acidity had caused lead ... alarming 40 percent goes uneaten annually in this country, with consumer-level waste accounting for the ...
Cecilia Mainzer Represents Ohio on National 4-H Congress Design Team
and represent Ohio 4-H on a national level. I am forever grateful for the 4-H program that made me who ...