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  1. Home

    product development with highly skilled personnel, fully equipped pilot plants, and teaching facilities. ...

  2. Beef Cow Size and Profitability

    bodyweight.  In his article, Hersom says that feed requirements account for 50 to 75 % of the annual ...

  3. Freezing Basics

    style pressure canners need to be tested on a yearly basis.  I can do that in our office by appointment ...

  4. Preventing Barn Fires

    at least annually. Additional barn fire prevention tips that can be used to minimized risk of a fire ...

  5. 4-H Kicks Off New Year

    planned for 4-H at the county level in 2016.  In addition to updates from Wayne County 4-H staff, state ...

  6. 8 ways a city’s vacant lots can be good for the environment

    environmental benefits.”—Mary Gardiner Greening the land in the ’Land The project is funded by a highly ... which promotes integrating research and education. Part of the project includes developing a high school ...

  7. 2016 Wayne County 4-H Required Advisor & Volunteer Training Events

    Extension Field Specialist for Volunteerism & Risk Management.  This session will be geared for ... offered at the State level and the Ohio State Fair. Learn about the Bi-State Youth Poultry Clinic, Dog ...

  8. EPN Breakfast Club

    droughts, flooding, sea level rise – the need to accelerate innovative, inclusive, and integrated water ...

  9. The Importance of Tradition

    may look a little different over time, and that’s okay. High expectations for traditions can create ...

  10. March Is National Nutrition Month

    children say they are not doing all they can 50% or more actively seek information about nutrition and want ...
