
Search results

  1. OSU South Centers to host annual Hops Field Night

    team of extension and research members bring over 50 years of combined specialty crop research and ... Crops; Soil, Water and Bioenergy Resources. The Business Development Network offers innovative research, ...

  2. Ohio 4-H inducts 4 into Hall of Fame

    Company, Bob helped make connections between 4-H and the business world. Abbott continues to sponsor grants ... county level, Leland donates trophies and other awards to encourage participation, serves as a role model ... organized an effort to ship high-lysine corn to areas of the world in need. Through this idea, he became ...

  3. Mission Possible: Positive Leadership

    test is to observe the way people react to you when you walk into a room. Are people happy to see you? ...

  4. 2018 Soil & Water Field Night

    experience an in-field soil health demonstration. You must register for this event by August 10. To register: ...

  5. Container Fruit Production May Have Good Potential in Ohio

    fruit production; 2. Explore an effective way to produce blueberries where soil acidification is not ... industry can help everyone!    Since soils on many hilly areas are not ideally suited for fruit production, ... high density berry production in containers might be a good option. Stay tuned for more information. ...

  6. South Centers’ Export Assistance Network participates in successful internship program

    businesses overcome challenges of international marketing by matching them with highly motivated students, ...

  7. Minimize Risk of Injuries in Winter Working Conditions

    winter conditions are at a higher risk of a variety of injuries including: frostbite, overexertion, ... muscle strain, slips trips and falls, or heart attack.  Some simple guidelines for reducing the risk of ... walking. This can reduce the risk of you falling or completely losing your balance in case you slip while ...

  8. Blazin' Saddles- This is not just a 4-H Club…This is a 4-H family!

    been awarded on the State and County level for their work and dedication to the 4-H program as well. In ...

  9. Warning Labels and Equipment Manuals can Help Reduce Injuries

    exposed equipment component that rotates at high speed or with a high degree of torque.  Injuries occur ... towards a stationary object creating a blunt impact. This can include being caught under or between moving ...

  10. Welcome Ashlee Saunders

    Ashlee Saunders, an undergraduate student, has recently joined the Soil, Water, and Bioenergy ... qualities. Currently, she is managing the Soil, Water, and Bioenergy Resources laboratory as one of the key ...
