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  1. Quality and Innovation Management Course

    with hands-on lab sessions where attendees can test and evaluate their own company's products. ...

  2. Home

    product development with highly skilled personnel, fully equipped pilot plants, and teaching facilities. ...

  3. Sustainable Water Management in the Great Lakes Region Short Course

    address the impacts of climate change on water resources in the Great Lakes region and watershed-level ... level. This is a multi-state, multi-organization initiative with funding provided by the Great Lakes ...

  4. 2017 4-H Camp Counselor Application Information

    All 4-H members who will be age 14 and at least a freshman in high school as of January 1, 2017, ...

  5. CD Weekly Wire- December 2, 2013

    system. Research should show a connection between local level initiatives to the global context we face in ... professionals with all levels of experience with the process are invited. Registration fee is $25. Click on only ... 15. The Summit welcomes research papers related to local level responses to globalization in the food ...

  6. Managing "Pollen Drift" to Minimize Contamination of Non-GMO Corn

    a distance of 40 to 50 feet, the number of outcrosses is reduced by 99%.  Other research has indicated that ... cross-pollination between corn fields could be limited to 1% or less on a whole field basis by a separation distance ...

  7. CD Wire- June 25, 2018

    participants and invested by all to produce a very engaging and high-quality event. I look forward to hearing ... increase awareness about zoonotic diseases (diseases spread between animals and people), specifically ... survey to find the gap between the information on zoonotic (HEV) diseases that the community has ...

  8. EPN Breakfast- Global Warming

    levels, even while our world is on track for another “hottest year on record”  for 2016. While these ...

  9. CD Weekly Wire- October 21, 2013

    established to honor Walt Jeske, Chief of the Education and Publications Unit with the U.S. Soil Conservation ... click here. Teamwork: Moving from Dysfunction to High-Performance- October 31: The John Glenn School of ... Public Affairs is offering Teamwork: Moving from Dysfunction to High Performance on Thursday, October 31, ...

  10. Meet Manny Barnes: a Leader in CSM and Beyond

    a part of his high school’s football and wrestling teams. Upon graduating, however, he decided to step ...
