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  1. SENR Seminar Series- Unraveling the impacts of anthropogenic hazards to nocturnally-migrating birds

    America migrate twice annually between breeding and non-breeding grounds. These migrations are a time of ... relatively high mortality for many birds species that are also experiencing long-term populations declines. ... attraction of migrating birds to ALAN causes migrating birds to stopover in high densities along the fringes ...

  2. Shiitake Mushroom Production: Troubleshooting

    that are not freshly cut. The more time logs sit prior to inoculation, the greater the risk of ... See fact sheet F-50 Crop Tree Management: A Tool to Help You Achieve Your Woodland Goals for more ... following pinning are dry or when humidity and temperature fluctuations occur between day and night. Growers ...

  3. 2024 Ohio Public Interest Environmental Law Conference with the Ohio Environmental Council

    Further, monitoring, enforcement, and regulation efforts differ between states. 1 Join this event to hear from ... accountability, transparency, and communication between regulators and affected communities. Responses to the ... Contaminant Levels (MCLs) for five individual PFAS chemicals that is legally enforceable. These new legal ...

  4. Get A Grip On Weeds, Like Poison Hemlock, Now Instead Of Later

    A competitive forage stand is maintained by good grazing management, good soil fertility, appropriate pH, ... Every year that you make progress against weeds means less weed seeds in the soil seed bank and less ...

  5. TWEL Grant Ravary

    and reduced habitat connectivity between suitable patches. Our current understanding of pheasants’ ... despite being the preferred cover type. My objectives were to find suitable patches, connections between ... graph theory to find areas of high importance for connectivity. Conservation Reserve Programs and ...

  6. TWEL Grant Ravary

    and reduced habitat connectivity between suitable patches. Our current understanding of pheasants’ ... despite being the preferred cover type. My objectives were to find suitable patches, connections between ... graph theory to find areas of high importance for connectivity. Conservation Reserve Programs and ...

  7. Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza

    decreasing the risk to humans. Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) Avian influenza A viruses are ... classified as low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI) A viruses and highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) ... causes severe disease and death. Both low and high pathogenic viruses can spread rapidly within a flock. ...

  8. Kristina Slagle, PhD

    tolerance for wildlife: clarifying relations between concepts and measures. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, ... conservation. She focuses on decision making under risk, and how this impacts policies related to fisheries and ...

  9. Economic Impact of Intel’s Investment in Ohio: Lessons from Chandler, Arizona

    benefits to high-skilled workers and homeowners versus low-skilled workers and renters can better prepare ... that can play a role in planning for a successful collaboration between Intel and the Columbus ... represents more than just the arrival of a major corporation; it signifies a collaborative effort between the ...

  10. SENR Announcements, October 11

    Series>> welcomes Dr. Jeff Buler November 12: EPN Breakfast-  Inaugural Ohio Soil Health Week: Celebrating ... healthy soils for environmental and human health>> November 13: The Ohio Community Wildlife ...
