
Search results

  1. Feeding Horses

    (from forage analysis) 1.07 15.4 0.94 0.41 Pelleted Grain (from feed tag) 1.50 12.0 0.75 0.85 ... we need to substitute grain for hay to raise the energy. 1.50 Mcal/lb DE of grain – 1.07 Mcal/lb DE ... source of sulfur. Excessively high levels of sulfur depress copper absorption. Sulfur is also found in ...

  2. 4-H Professionals Volunteer Management In-Service

    will be a great learning opportunity for all 4-H professionals, regardless of your level of experience. ...

  3. 2025 NACAA Annual Meeting and Professional Improvement conference

    at the local and county level to meet the needs of citizens and constituents. The conference location ...

  4. 4-H Spark Expo

    career readiness program, Ohio 4 H Pathways to the Future. a collaboration between Ohio 4-H and the ...

  5. Greenhouse Production

    Nutrient film technology, deep water culture, high-wire propagation, pollination techniques  ... produced year-round in areas that would not otherwise be suitable for farming: deserts, non-arable soil ... better fed. Growers have more quality control over production and plant nutrients, so the risk of ...

  6. Tri-State Fertilizer Recommendations for Corn, Soybean, Wheat, and Alfalfa

    pests and diseases, and the emergence of precision soil sampling and fertilizer rate and placement ...

  7. Tri-State Fertilizer Recommendations for Corn, Soybean, Wheat, and Alfalfa (PDF)

    pests and diseases, and the emergence of precision soil sampling and fertilizer rate and placement ...

  8. Research

    improved fish have been distributed to fish farms. Three-year on-farm tests on three sites in two states ... strains and related technologies and investigated their mechanisms. Growth tests funded by USDA-NCRAC ... a fish meal replacer in the yellow perch diet, and found soy protein concentrate could replace 50% of the ...

  9. Nonruminant Feed Sample Set

    NONRUMINANT livestock animals, including swine and poultry but not horses. Clear plastic jars, high ...

  10. Growing Peaches and Nectarines in the Home Landscape

    compost. Take a soil sample, have the soil tested by your local Extension office, and add the recommended ... considered as substitutes for peaches. Genetically, the only difference between peaches and nectarines is the ... yellow or white-fleshed. Selecting Peaches and Nectarines for Consumption High quality peaches and ...
