
Search results

  1. Jeremy T. Bruskotter

    :// Support for the Endangered Species Act remains high as Trump administration and Congress try to ... gut it: ...

  2. TWEL Aidan McCarthy

    range in Ohio, where they are found in two isolated and highly localized populations along the Ohio ... future viability of this at-risk species. ...

  3. SENR Seminar Series- Unraveling the impacts of anthropogenic hazards to nocturnally-migrating birds

    America migrate twice annually between breeding and non-breeding grounds. These migrations are a time of ... relatively high mortality for many birds species that are also experiencing long-term populations declines. ... attraction of migrating birds to ALAN causes migrating birds to stopover in high densities along the fringes ...

  4. CFAES Alumni Awards

    Nominees should have an A.A.S., A.S., B.S., M.S., or Ph.D. from the college. A diversity of degree levels ... which the award is presented. A diversity of degree levels should be represented by recipients. If ...

  5. Promotion in Extension Workshops

    Resources (click on "Promotion & Tenure" drop-down)- OAA New Faculty Program (University-level ...

  6. Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza

    resources below! GET THE FACTS! HPAI is a highly communicable disease, and it should be taken seriously. We ... have free fact sheets available on  Ohioline  to learn more about Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza and ... other diseases that can affect birds of all kinds: Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Biosecurity for ...

  7. TWEL Grant Ravary

    and reduced habitat connectivity between suitable patches. Our current understanding of pheasants’ ... despite being the preferred cover type. My objectives were to find suitable patches, connections between ... graph theory to find areas of high importance for connectivity. Conservation Reserve Programs and ...

  8. TWEL Grant Ravary

    and reduced habitat connectivity between suitable patches. Our current understanding of pheasants’ ... despite being the preferred cover type. My objectives were to find suitable patches, connections between ... graph theory to find areas of high importance for connectivity. Conservation Reserve Programs and ...

  9. Kristina Slagle, PhD

    tolerance for wildlife: clarifying relations between concepts and measures. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, ... conservation. She focuses on decision making under risk, and how this impacts policies related to fisheries and ...

  10. Quality Assurance Program

    the test (12-14) and (15-18). There are 50 multiple choice questions in each age category and members ... Clinic or Test Out.  Exhibitors of the following animals are required to attend: Dairy Cattle Feeder ... are at the Butler County Fairgrounds, 1715 Fairgrove Avenue in Hamilton.  QA Test ...
