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  1. Heather Curtis

    Heather Curtis ENR Graduate Student ENR Graduate Student- Any- Journal article Book/book chapter Report Working paper Policy brief Presentation Data ...

  2. SENR Announcements, May 17

    are part of a national team of over 100 soil scientists and agricultural professionals who have ...

  3. A Field Guide to Identifying Critical Resource Concerns and Best Management Practices for Implementation

    landowners spot high-risk concerns and carry out best management practices. Create cost-effective agronomic ... plans with assistance from soil and water conservation districts (SWCDs), state agencies, and the ...

  4. A Field Guide to Identifying Critical Resource Concerns and Best Management Practices for Implementation (PDF)

    landowners spot high-risk concerns and carry out best management practices. Create cost-effective agronomic ... plans with assistance from soil and water conservation districts (SWCDs), state agencies, and the ...

  5. Doctoral Program (PhD)

    Program is an advanced research degree that prepares students to pursue high-level, independent, scholarly ... master's degree and will only need to complete 50 post-master's credits. Direct-admit PhD students ... with previous graduate credit may earn up to 30 transfer credits for relevant master's-level ...

  6. Graduate Student Elected to Council of Interdisciplinary Professional Society

    Representative on Council as liaison between the Council and Student Affairs Committee. Anne's research ... their development contributes to community place meanings and risk perceptions. Anne is also interested ...

  7. Promoting a fruit few have eaten

    about the size of a large potato. It tastes a little like a combination between banana, mango, and ... has tasted and tested many varieties to try to help Ohio farmers determine the best ones to raise and ...

  8. Faculty, staff, and students honored at the 2024 CFAES Research Forum

    Bernstein Analyzing How the Agriculture Microbiome Impacts Soil Carbon Stability under Different Management ... low-level ammonia concentrations at downwind locations of poultry layer production facilities Third Place- ...

  9. Soil Fertility

    ENR 5270 Provides a broad overview of the principles of soil fertility, plant nutrition, & ... nutrients in soil, including the biotic and abiotic factors that influence these dynamics. Exposure to many ...

  10. Practical Skills for Terrestrial Ecosystem Restoration

    seed collection, soil seedbank assays, plant propagation, and ground preparation. Prereq: 3800. ...
