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  1. July 2022 CFAES Connect ... =... YesCFAES Advancement ...

  2. Apply Lessons Learned in 2010 to Next Season's Wheat Crop

    various combinations of the above." He noted that even in areas where the scab levels were high, some ... of the fields with the lowest levels of vomitoxin, and highest yields and test weights were those ... ( to help detect early risk. "If there is a high risk for scab, risk for Stagonospora glume ...

  3. Know Soil Nutrient Needs for Best Continuous Corn Management

    and potassium levels. By knowing those levels through soil testing, growers under continuous corn ... February 26, 2007 WOOSTER, Ohio – Knowing a soil's nutrient levels increases options for ... Development Center, said that a simple soil test can reveal all that a grower needs to know about ...

  4. Producers Still Need to Watch for Heat Stress Signs in Livestock

    danger level is indicated by an index value of 79, which is reached in various combinations of ... an index level of 84 and occurs at temperatures in the 90- and 100-degree range, increasing in danger ... as the humidity level increases. “When temperatures hit in the mid-to-high 90s, producers need to pay ...

  5. Chow Line: Take steps to prevent diabetes (for 11/13/11)

    plasma glucose test. If your level is between 100 and 125 mg/dl, you’ve got a condition called ... physically active for 150 minutes a week (30 minutes a day for five days, for example), can reduce your risk ... a family history of diabetes are risk factors for developing the disease-- the fact that you realize this ...

  6. 2014 CFAES Alumni Award Honorees

    Animal Sciences    DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI AWARD Herbert Floyd BS '50 Agronomy   DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI ...

  7. “Fresh Market Tomato fertility – the never-ending battle against fruit physiological disorders”

    cloudy weather, wet and cool conditions, high nitrogen, low potassium, and compacted soils.  Some of the ... particularly affected due to high percentages of fruit physiological disorders with some farms experiencing up ... to 50 percent of fruit affected.  Thanks to greatly appreciated grant funding from the Ohio Vegetable ...

  8. Low Risk of Stewart's Disease on Corn Predicted

    Index values less than 90 indicate a negligible disease threat, 90-95 indicates low to moderate levels ... March 6, 2009 WOOSTER, Ohio-- The risk of Stewart's bacterial wilt and leaf blight is ... carried and spread by adult flea beetles.   Based on the flea beetle index, conducted by Ohio State ...

  9. Some Ohio Cornfields May Be at Risk for Stewart's Wilt

    temperatures had been normal or mild, our risk levels would have been much higher." Paul, who also holds ... March 19, 2007 WOOSTER, Ohio-- Cornfields throughout southern Ohio might be at risk this growing ... and spread by adult flea beetles. According to the flea beetle index, southern Ohio may be at moderate ...

  10. 2021 was a year of outreach, research, and collaboration

    clientele, one on “OSU soil quality/health field test kit” and the other one on “Buckeye SOM Calculator” in ... By Drs. Rafiq Islam and Arif Rahman SWBR Program The Soil, Water, and Bioenergy Resources (SWBR) ... automation, compaction, heavy vehicles, and their effects on soil health), and new technologies for plant ...
