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Extension and News Articles
Crops. SAG-9-09). Ohio State University Extension. Islam K.R. and A. Sundermeier (2008) Soil quality test ... kit: A simple test for active organic matter as a measure of soil quality. SAG-4-08, OSU Extension, ... building or destroying soil organic matter. SAG-20-11. Ohio State University Extension. Hoorman, J., Aziz, ...
2020 a busy year for SWBR
educational programs for agricultural management practices that are environmentally compatible to sustain soil ... Soil, Water, and Bioenergy Resources (SWBR) program at The Ohio State University South Centers are ... their time working from home to publish a total 14 research articles in high-impact factored ...
Living in Columbus
statement of account to use your BuckID on COTA. Several COTA routes provide service between Ohio ... COTA share multiple bus stops on campus, allowing for easy transfers between the two systems. View the ... City Challenge, Columbus was awarded $50 million in grant funding and the designation as America's ...
Artificial light at night (ALAN) changes seasonal responses in mosquitoes
environmentally-relevant levels of ALAN will be less likely to enter diapause and more likely to bite than those that are ... not exposed to ALAN. We tested this hypothesis by rearing mosquitoes in diapause-inducing short day ... females averted diapause. These results indicate that city residents may be at risk of mosquito bites and ...
Dean of facualty of Agriculture External Collaborations: Abbe Copple- Pike Soil & Water ... Indian Institute of Soil Science (ICAR) Bhopal, MP- India Punjab Agricultural University of India Dhaka ... University, Dhaka, Bangladesh Visiting Scholars of OSU South Centers: Soil & BioEnergy Over the years, ...
Aquaculture News
winning research grants at the national level over the past 20 years. This success can be attributed to ...
Aquaculture Research Achievements and Impacts 2014
soybean meal (MSBM) containing high protein and lower levels of anti-nutritional factors (ANFs) relative ... including the 3-year on-farm on-station tests of improved yellow perch vs. local unimproved fish; published ... 35-50% through the development of genetically improved broodstocks for producers. On-farm and on-station ...
USDA grant received to explore greenhouse vegetable soilborne disease control
collected form this study is being used to develop a new soil diagnostic testing service to identify key ... Center began high tunnel research on tomato and berry crops. Since that time over 3,000 high tunnels have ... cropping of high tunnels with specialty crops is resulting in reduced yields and quality of tomato crops. ...
Survey Says: MEP had super third quarter
like to single out Dawn Coleman for her high-level performance with client outputs of over $76 million ...
would be a concern in drinking water only at very high levels of contamination; Chromium-6 is more toxic ... Inorganic trace constituent MCL MCL ADVISORY- ACTION IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Chromium levels were detected in ... naturally in rocks, plants, soil and volcanic dust, humans and animals. The most common forms of chromium ...