
Search results

  1. Aquaculture research achievements and impacts 2015

    populations; (2) Effective population size in hatcheries could promote high levels of genetic variation among ... on-station tests of improved yellow perch vs. local unimproved fish, and finalized the report; we published ... genetically improved seeds have been distributed to farms for test and demonstration.  Neo-male male ...

  2. 2015 High Tunnel Training Registration Form

    If you have high tunnels, how many do you have? CAPTCHA This question is for testing whether you are ... Cost is $50 per person. You will be contacted via email about your registration form and the cost ... Name * Email Address * Phone Number City State County * Do you currently have a high tunnel? * YES NO ...

  3. Toxaphene

    ug/L ppb Pesticide MCL MCL ADVISORY- ACTION IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Toxaphene levels were detected in ... on cotton and cattle. It is very persistent, remaining in soil for up to 14 years. It is not expected ... to soils and the sediments of water bodies, it may gradually evaporate to the air where it is slowly ...

  4. Aquaculture team publish two papers in prestigious journals

    concluded that high density is a chronic stress that has adverse effects on fish wellbeing, sexual size ... higher dosage MT at 50 mg/kg feed could effectively broaden the efficacy of sex-reversal up to 46 days ...

  5. 15 Years, 15 Minutes: South Centers scientist Islam recognized by University for soil test kit commercialization

    developing a soil test kit that was affordable, and so convenient and simple to use that any landowner could ... our communities.” The signature feature of this soil test kit is convenience. Unlike many other ... basic field test kit contains enough reagent and testing supplies for approximately 15 field soil tests ...

  6. South Centers scientist recognized for reaching commercialization milestone

    feature of this soil test kit is convenience. Unlike many other methods, it can be used in the field and ... people. “They do not have the facilities, so they cannot perform routine soil tests like we do in the ... revitalize the soil, and produce more food and export.” This one-step basic field test kit contains enough ...

  7. 4-H Update and Policy 1.50 Training

    club needs to attend any of the available sessions.  Policy 1.50 training, an annual state requirement, ...

  8. Arsenic

    GENERAL INFORMATION Arsenic occurs naturally in soil and minerals and may enter the air, water, ... water. Most of the arsenic in water will ultimately end up in soil or sediment. HEALTH EFFECTS Drinking ... and may have an increased risk of getting cancer. Long-term exposure to arsenic in drinking water is ...

  9. 4-H Volunteer Orientations

    Cloverbud Volunteer Orientation 6:00 p.m. 2016 Policy 1.50 Training 7:00 p.m. New Volunteer ... must attend all sessions.  If seeking to become a new volunteer, you must attend 2016 Policy 1.50 ...

  10. 1,2-Dichloropropane

    HIGHLY RECOMMENDED 1,2-Dichloropropane levels were detected in your water sample to exceed the maximum ... also used in making lead free gasoline, paper coating, soil fumigant for nematodes, and insecticide for ... as a soil fumigant. It may also leach from municipal landfills. HEALTH EFFECTS Some people who drink ...
