
Search results

  1. Norovirus: A Different Type of Foodborne Illness

    Symptoms develop 12–48 hours after being exposed to norovirus and generally last between one and three ... and the number of cases that are not caused by contaminated food. Risk Factors Anyone can get ... contaminated. Someone who touches those surfaces and then handles food is at risk of contaminating the food or ...

  2. The Organic Certification Process for Farms

    sustainable production methods. However, organic certification is the most highly regulated food production ... biodiversity, and soil health. Organic farms do not use synthetic chemical inputs such as mineral fertilizers, ... horticultural crops. Soil health and fertility are addressed with natural sources of organic matter and soil ...

  3. Inoculants and Soil Amendments for Organic Growers

    Green manures added to soil from cultivating cover crops between cash crops can be effective in adding ... maintain appropriate and balanced soil fertility, a soil test should be conducted before applying ... Manures Green manures can be added to soil by cultivating cover crops between cash crop growing seasons. ...

  4. Free, Online Data and Tools for the Agricultural Community

    data and tools to help support decision making at the field level. Data-driven insights help ... data collected via cutting-edge technologies, such as drones, satellites, GPS, and high-tech sensors, ... Estimating soil erosion. Estimating vegetation height. Producing a 3D representation of the surface.  ...

  5. Hydroponic Nutrient Solution for Optimized Greenhouse Tomato Production

    substrates typically used for tomato production have no nutritional component as would soil in field ... stages require increased levels of specific nutrients like nitrogen (N), calcium (Ca), and potassium (K) ... the highest levels of nutrients to promote plant growth and fruit development, as well as an ...

  6. Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Potatoes

    a cool, dry, dark place that is well ventilated. The ideal temperature is between 45–50 degrees ... broth to a boil over medium high heat. While broth is heating, chop vegetables. Add chopped potatoes, ... potatoes =  about 3 medium potatoes 3 cups peeled and sliced 2½ cups peeled and diced 2 cups mashed 2 cups ...

  7. Sudden Death Syndrome of Soybean

    with SDS have been highly variable depending on the timing and severity of the initial infection, ... subsequent weather conditions, the timing of defoliation, and the level of soybean cyst nematode (SCN) ... Small yellow spots appear between the leaf veins on the topmost leaves of the soybean plant. The small ...

  8. Remote Sensing in Precision Agriculture

    versus hyperspectral); and spatial (high, medium and low), temporal (hourly, daily and weekly) and ... for UAVs images include high overlap (approximately 80% frontal overlap and 60% side overlap) between ... provides the tools and technologies to identify in-field soil and crop variability, offering a means to ...

  9. On-Farm Biosecurity: Traffic Control and Sanitation

    will be used to reduce pathogen levels. What Are the Greatest Risks for Disease Introduction? Although ... feed, animals, soil or manure. Any sampling equipment should be cleaned and disinfected between uses. ... plastic bag or container before re-entering the vehicle. High-Risk Visitors High-risk visitors to the farm ...

  10. Soil Carbon Sequestration—Fundamentals

    accomplished by management systems that add high amounts of biomass to the soil, cause minimal soil ... with a longer and drier growing season. The soil organic matter content may decline, increasing risks ... breakdown of soil aggregates accelerates erosion. A soil with high organic matter is more productive than ...
