
Search results

  1. Urban Agriculture

    confronting urban producers such as land access, soil quality, water resources, capital and financing, ...

  2. Sumer Is The Perfect Season For Homemade Ice Cream

    like. Milk production is a highly regulated industry to keep the milk safe from farm to store to table.  ... It is tested before leaving the farm and again before the tanker is unloaded at the processing ... mixture to keep it from freezing hard.  Pureed fruit allows for better distribution. * When adding highly ...

  3. Ohio State to host Manure Science Review in August

    London, Ohio.   Aimed at farmers, crop consultants, soil conservation workers and others, the Manure ... applicator The final two demonstrations of the day will highlight the collaborative effort between Ohio ...

  4. Cleaning and Sanitation Basics

    Characterization of Process Soils Basic Sanitation Chemistry and Water Quality Cleaning Methodologies Master ... cost is $300.  A higher level course, Advanced CIP, will begin the following day (October 18-19). ... received before October 3 to receive a partial refund. There is a $50 cancellation fee. No refunds will be ...

  5. Corn Stalk Nitrate Test

    segment begins at 6 inches above soil level so the sample segment represents the 6-14 inch height of the ... to interpret results:      Low: less than 450 ppm, high probability nitrogen is deficient ... to 2000 ppm. The value of the stalk nitrate test is increased as the test is repeated over years for ...

  6. Fall Manure Application to Wheat and other Fields

    or economic benefit to applying more phosphate on fields with soil test levels above 40 ppm M-3.  On ... legislation across Ohio.  Match the manure application to soil test phosphorus levels.  There is no agronomic ... soils with a phosphorus level above 40 ppm M-3 apply no more than crop removal rates of phosphate.  ...

  7. 2024-2025 ASGSA Officers

    home, learning about fermentation and testing different flavor combinations. I am very much looking ... dietary fiber compounds and the development of novel ingredients for high-dietary fiber processed meat ...

  8. Avia Influenza Impacting Ohio: Here's What You Need To Know

    classifications: High Pathogenic and Low Pathogenic AI.  High Path AI strains are extremely infectious, often fatal ... purple discoloration of the wattles, combs, and legs; green diarrhea; and nasal discharge.  If a High ... are moving between farms. When AI has been identified within a flock, the USDA has a response team ...

  9. Alumni Story: Dr. Kristy Shaw

    to communicating with diagnostic labs on animal health testing.  Kristy notes how important her ...

  10. Graduate student funded to harness remote sensing and AI technology for precision agriculture

    information from high-resolution images captured through a small Unmanned Aerial System, or sUAS. Currently in ... I have been privileged to work in a highly collaborative laboratory environment." Going forward, she ... during the upcoming summer. This project aims to assess the significance of both high-resolution and ...
