
Search results

  1. Individual Studies

    department. Prereq: 6 cr hrs taken at the 3000 level or higher in Engineering. Repeatable to a maximum of 10 ...

  2. Laboratory Pedagogy and Management

    educational laboratory facilities at the secondary school level for teaching agricultural mechanics and ...

  3. Meet Jaden Tatum: Engineering a Path to a More Sustainable Future

    because there are huge gaps in yields, high levels of poverty and malnutrition, and a large proportion of ... attended the University of Arkansas upon graduating from high school. As an undergraduate student, Jaden ... designing and testing a grain drying and storage system for use in developing countries,” Jaden explained. ...

  4. Principles of Soil and Water Engineering

    FABENG 2720 Applications of soil and water processes in agricultural and ecological engineering, ...

  5. College Teaching in Engineering

    the college level including skills, strategies and issues common to university teaching in general and ...

  6. 2021 FABE Scholarships and Awards

    Awards FABE Graduate Research Award Shyam Sivaprasad (Master's Level) Yang Geng (PhD Level) FABE ... Allison Byrd, Derek Goodman, Trent Meyer, Cam Vaughn Innovation Awards In-Field Biological Soil Health ... Neikirk, Kaylee Rae Presnell OSU WaterHub: Testing EPA Parameters within a Living Learning Lab Megan ...

  7. Engineering Applications in Agriculture

    management of the processes, machinery, structures, soil and water, and materials handling systems in ...

  8. Construction Surveying and Site Development

    CONSYSM 2440 Principles of soil mechanics, erosion control, layout, and surveying as applied to ...

  9. Land Surveying for Agricultural and Environmental Systems

    AGSYSMT 2371 Principles of land surveying applied to soil and water management on agricultural, ...

  10. Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training Course

    course will cover basic produce safety; worker health, hygiene, and training; soil amendments; wildlife, ... farm; how to identify microbial risks, practices that reduce risks; how to begin implementing produce ...
