
Search results

  1. GSO Luncheon

    have a student luncheon in there, so it is not a high priority.  If other people would like to schedule ...

  2. Bob Gustafson Wins Ohio State Distinguished Faculty Service Award

    dedication to university service at all levels," a colleague wrote. "He has made the university ...

  3. Laser Beam Automatic Grade-Control System

    operator using a sight bar with a series of targets place at 50 to100 foot intervals. Now, continuous ...

  4. Citizenship Washington Focus

    leadership, and citizenship skills on a national level, understand the importance of civic and social ... motivation and aspirations for the future education more civic active report better grades and higher levels ...

  5. Courses

    + $50 maximum cost for books (depends on course modules selected) Contact: Joe Bonnell- ...

  6. Ottowa River Coalition

    Allen Soil and Water Conservation District office on October 7 was a large meeting room full of ... on a high school property, was severely eroded. It is now densely vegetated and has access to ...

  7. CFAES scientist breeds 30 percent faster-growing perch

    for fish farmers, who traditionally raise perch for 18 months to have only about 50-60 percent of the ...

  8. What are the best ways to burn (or not) a forest?

    It's also "an effort to develop and enhance collaborative ties between managers and scientists, ...

  9. Volunteering is Good for the Soul

    between the Butler County Juvenile Justice, the Ohio State Highway Patrol, and the Ohio State University ... to: 1.     Complete community service volunteer hours for high school graduation 2.     Add valuable ...

  10. Graduate News (click for more)

    soil health and tomato disease management in Tanzania (upper middle photo). > View blog David N. ...
