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  1. Aquaculture Education Update

    Piketon, Ohio. Science Alliance is an annual high school education event that was developed and coordinated ... and was established to educate high school students about STEM opportunities throughout the country. ...

  2. 2016 OSU CARES Seed Grants

    CARES seed grants focused on: Management of Algal Growth in Ohio’s Medium-Sized Lakes Securing the ...

  3. Research leads to 4 month longer Ohio Strawberry harvest season and $5 million in annual sales

    production, matted row production, greenhouse and high tunnel production. These strawberry production ...

  4. EPN Breakfast- Global Warming

    levels, even while our world is on track for another “hottest year on record”  for 2016. While these ...

  5. Ohio State Team Promotes Nature-based 'ECO-farming'

    topic,  called “ECO-Farming, Biodiversity and Soil Health: A Systems Approach to Enhancing Productivity,” ...

  6. Winter Squash

    about a half-inch sits in the bottom of the cooker. Cook on high for 4-5 hours or low for 6-8 hours. You ...

  7. LOOK to Ohio achieves Signature Program Status

    experiences in potential employees. High school students in Ohio are getting a jump-start through their ...

  8. Beef Cow Size and Profitability

    bodyweight.  In his article, Hersom says that feed requirements account for 50 to 75 % of the annual ...

  9. Food Waste

    estimated to range between 30-40 percent of the food supply. That translates to approximately 133 billion ...

  10. Make Plans for Fall Weed Control

    uniformly mix the upper few inches of soil to uproot existing plants and bury any new seed. Scout in spring ...
