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  1. 4-H Dog Department Meeting

     Jr. Fair Entry Forms, Dog Classes, Dog Test, And More! Please call or email either Chelsea Smith at ...

  2. Price to complete internship with COBA/Select Sires

    communication. She is the daughter of Bruce and Brenda Price and a graduate of Wellington High School. The ...

  3. 2013 Publications

    2013. Limestone with different particle size and sodium bicarbonate to feedlot lambs fed high grain ... DW, Mahan DC, Jolliff JS, Moeller SJ, Hill GM. 2013. Evaluating the NRC levels of Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn ... Sporer KRB, Ernst CW, Velleman SG, Reed KM, Strasburg GM. 2013. Differential gene expression between ...

  4. ASAS Scholar Recognition 2015

    Each year, the American Society of Animal Science awards high achieving students with ...

  5. Faulkner completes internship with National FFA Organization

    a graduate of Urbana High School. The agriscience education major at Ohio State prepares its students you to ... acquire a license to teach agricultural science in secondary high schools in Ohio and across the country, ...

  6. Shoup completes internship with Ohio State ATI

    daughter of Dean and Susan Shoup and a graduate of Orrville High School. The agricultural communication ...

  7. Preventing Slips and Falls During Icy Conditions

    work time. Here are some simple guidelines to reduce the risk of a slip / fall injury from icy ...

  8. Be a Real Money, Real World Volunteer!

    knowledge with high school students. Students obtain an occupation, family and salary equivalent to the ... on: Doing well in school. Getting more education or training after high school. Waiting until ...

  9. Dairy Judging at North American

    Louisville. Team finished in upper half and Colton was high in the Jersey breed, with a team finish in 4th.  ...

  10. Dairy Judging Team Brings Home Win

    Holstein honors went to Robin as the high individual and again the team was in a 2nd place finish. Rounding ... out the breeds, Jerseys brought Lara a 3rd place, Jared in 4th and the 2nd high team. As the ... :// High Individuals Overall: 7: Lara Staples, Ohio State 3: Jared Smith, Ohio State 2: Robin Alden, ...
