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2010 Award Winners
Volunteer Conference in March. Below is a list of the awards, with a link to a zipped file containing high ...
2008 Award Winners
Volunteer Conference in March. Below is a list of the awards, with a link to a zipped file containing high ...
OCDC achievements
Specialists with OCDC lead programs for high school agricultural science students from Portsmouth and Piketon, ...
4-H Week
compete on the local, state, and national level. You can use the following news releases to promote ...
Richland County to the Rescue
When flooding threatened the Wayne County Fair, fair board officials had to make a quick decision on how to proceed. Luckily for all, Richland County had space and welcomed displaced hogs and exhibitors. ...
11/1/16- 4-H In-Service Poster Presentation Application
Author Name 3: Additional Author Title 3: Preferred Contact 3: CAPTCHA This question is for testing ...
Ohio 4-H Engineering team competed at National Contest
and with income levels well above average. The team also attended educational workshops at Purdue ...
Over the River and Through the Woods
ability to move freely throughout the home without increasing the risk of falls. Just because you can ...
Mary A. (Parks) Ives; First Woman Member of ASAE, 1921
reasonable to expect that her work marks the beginning of a more thorough coordination between home and ...
SBDC success
Awards are voted on by all counselors around the state. All levels of field staff are eligible for ...