
Search results

  1. Gardening with Physical Limitations

    energy levels. Special attention will be given to decreasing the risk of secondary injury; working ...

  2. Focus Challenge Winners

    Woelfl-- hold myself and others accountable to 45-50 min meetings; stepping away from the computer; ...

  3. National 4-H Congress

    Atlanta, Georgia during the Thanksgiving break. National 4-H Congress is a five-day event that engages high ... county educator to learn about filling out an Achievement Record Form. Forms are due at the state level ...

  4. 4-H tent at Farm Science Review

    a four-pack egg carton and tested their design’s ability to protect the eggs from breakage.  This year, two ...

  5. Ryan Mapes

    4 years as high school teacher and nearly 7 years working for a local community bank.  During his time at ...

  6. Commercialization of fast-growing monosex fish on the way, says Wang

    Through production and testing at Piketon’s OCARD, researchers have created a technology that can generate ... large numbers of fast-growing, all-male bluegill populations. Results from testing all-male or ... numbers of fast-growing, all-female yellow perch populations. A growth performance test of the all-females ...

  7. Thoughts from Jackie

    TRUST. Our Extension key on TRUST includes: I teach research-based information. I provide high ...

  8. 4-H camp is back

    camps are bouncing back. Those who donate $150 to 4-H camps will receive a 4-H camp-themed candle in the ...

  9. Visit the (virtual) Farm Science Review!

    behind making ice cream or the qualities of healthy soil. You can create tools to test water quality and ...

  10. Your Thoughts Matter: Navigating Mental Health 4-H Project Book Released

    for 50% off at, while supplies last. Authors Jami Dellifield and Amanda Raines have also ...
