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  1. Deadline to Register for Mindful Extension Series

    stress-levels Fee includes a set of guided mindfulness practice tracks and 1 yoga video to aid in daily practice ...

  2. Wooster Campus Tour Request Form

    Mode of Transportation- None- Buses Individual Vehicles CAPTCHA This question is for testing whether or ...

  3. Do algae affect what fish see? Science angles for answers

    captains will be tested in the lab to get science-based data on their effectiveness. Experts from CFAES and ...

  4. Spring Planting Requires Increased Focus on Safety

    which farmers increase their risk of injury, a safety expert with Ohio State University’s College of ... highway collisions between farm equipment and other vehicles; being struck by falling machinery parts; and ...

  5. ADVANCED HACCP Principles

    assess food safety risks and control potential hazards to safety and quality. Advanced HACCP Principles ...

  6. Add Safety To Your Winter Meetings and Workers’ Compensation Programs

    culture of farming, where there is a range of workforce age, competency level and certain regulation ...

  7. Study: Fat in avocado helps body absorb, convert vitamin A nutrients

    the World Health Organization says. Vitamin A deficiency raises infection risks and is the leading ...

  8. Water Quality Workshop for Fish Farmers

    range with backgrounds in Aquaculture, Horticulture, Small Business Development, and Soil & ...

  9. Produce Growers: Please Complete Brief FSMA Survey

    identify the current prevalence and cost burden of the kinds of food safety risk-reduction measures ...

  10. Ohio Fish & Shrimp Festival

    nutritional benefits-- they are high in protein, low in saturated fat and they contain many other nutrients ... order to supply consumers with high-quality, consistent food. Domesticated fish are raised and marketed ... shouldn't it be? Farm fish eat high-protein feed, they are kept in tanks that provide continuously filtered ...
