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  1. New Publication

    Association between resistance to an introduced invasive pathogen and phenolic compounds that may serve as ...

  2. Zero waste, big benefits: OARDC hosts large-scale composting course

    organic wastes, such as food waste, into soil nutrients and soil amendments.” The course, which marked its ...

  3. Kelsey Andersen

    moisture patterns on the association between Fusarium head blight and deoxynivalenol contamination in ...

  4. 1st Annual Student Wildlife Research Symposium

    wildlife-related research that is taking place in high schools around Ohio in a professional and supportive ...

  5. Sustainability and Resilience Links

    information/access to technologies that  improve lives; low-tech/high-tech projects addressing housing, economics, ...

  6. Bonello Publications

    and D.F. Cipollini. 2008. Effects of soil fertility on systemic protein defense responses of austrian ... pinea pycnidia on ground Austrian pine needle agar medium. Phytopathologia Mediterranea 46, 230-235. ... Cross-induction of systemic induced resistance between an insect and a fungal pathogen in Austrian pine over ...

  7. 1st_ 2017 OCVN Quarterly Webinar Series

    before: Test your connection: Get ...

  8. Ohio Sheep Day

    memberships can be purchased during registration. For more information, contact Roger A. High at 614-246-8299 ...

  9. Hrubes Memorial Buckeye Tree Planted on ISU Campus

    future of agriculture in many ways…This tree is a memorial gift between two colleges of agriculture in ... buckeye was grafted from a parent tree on the Iowa State campus. Planted in October, between Ross and ...

  10. 2016 Wildflower Pilgrimage! Highlands Nature Sanctuary

    natural history, and an introduction to identifying bees on the family level. Denise Ellsworth Director of ...
