
Search results

  1. Research collaboration and Extension outreach in China- one of OSU’s gateway countries

    a master’s level class at Shanxi Agricultural University. He also conducted joint research with several ... between USDA and Chinese Ministry of Agriculture.         ...

  2. Ohio Agritourism Conference

    Season to increase profits and reduce risk ¨ Ohio Laws, Rules, and Regulations that Impact Your Farm ...

  3. Islam delivers seminars, conducts grant writing workshop in Kyiv, Ukraine

    Dr. Rafiq Islam SWBR Program Leader Dr. Rafiq Islam, the Director of the Soil, Water, and ... a classroom presentation entitled “Climate-Smart Agriculture for Healthy Soils, Healthy Food, Healthy People” ...

  4. Faculty Positions

    weather stations, greenhouses, and one of only two University BSL-3 level research facilities in the US. ...

  5. CSM Competition Teams

    from other colleges and universities in order to compete in projects that test their project management ...

  6. Q&A with Dr. Darren Drewry

    while helping address environmental challenges at the community level. As a Peace Corps volunteer in ... a professor, the success of my research program will be highly dependent on the productivity and quality of ...

  7. Horticulture program receives USDA and industry grant support to conduct strawberry market and season Extension research

    currently sourced from farms and related jobs outside of Ohio, has an estimated farm level value of $165.3 ... production systems, and protective culture production systems including high tunnels and greenhouse ...

  8. Open for Businesses: Endeavor Center has services to help start or grow a business

    and a small break area, as well as three high-bay industrial type spaces. Tenants have access to high ...

  9. Floodplain Wetlands- Inhabiting the Habitat- Home Hort Series

    4 classes for only $50! ...

  10. Non-Traditional Urban Gardening Techniques- Home Hort Series

    4 classes for only $50! ...
