
Search results

  1. Partnering for Environmental Protection

    The Ohio Clean Marinas Program is a partnership initiative between Ohio Sea Grant and the Ohio ...

  2. OARDC Honors FABE Faculty and Staff

    50 years of service Keener, a leading expert on the engineering of composting systems, began his ... continues to serve as associate chair. “Harold has contributed 50 years to OARDC, FABE, and the College of ...

  3. CD Wire- August 3, 2020

    a critical role in the transformation of neighborhoods east of High Street, especially Weinland Park. Susan ... a brief (50-100 word) topic idea proposal to, with J and ...

  4. CD Wire- December 2, 2019

    proposals is now open; awards between $10,000 and $50,000 each will be awarded in health and well-being, ...

  5. Introductory HACCP

    16 to receive a partial refund. There is a $50 cancellation fee. No refunds will be given for ...

  6. Global warming. You and me. Energy audits. Money in your pocket. Cleaner air. More comfortable home. Help is available. Don't procrastinate.

    debated, and sometimes adopted and implemented, at global, United States, Ohio, and local levels, even ...

  7. CD Wire- July 30, 2013

    to the OSUE HR webpage, ‘ Performance planning takes place through a conversation between the ... year – July through June). These review meetings are between you and your supervisor and typically take ... a $10,000 to $15,000 pool will be increased to $150,000-- $75,000 to enhance existing grants and another ...

  8. 50th Anniversary Celebration and the Annual EECO Conference

    For 50 years, educators from all over the state have been coming together for this conference, and ... appreciate all of the goals that have been achieved over the last 50 years. It will be a chance to see how ...

  9. The World Beneath Your Feet

    An entire world exists in the soil of your garden.  There are creatures you can see, such as ... in vast numbers; a pinch of soil can contain millions of organisms.  We are dependent on this unseen ... studying them was very difficult.  The bacteria in the soil primarily live around plant roots, consuming ...

  10. Bioprocessing Research Lab

    test Test 2 ...
