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  1. Hydrothermal Carbonization: Upgrading Waste Biomass to Char

    [1,2]. The major advantage of HTC over other high temperature thermochemical conversion techniques such ... animal wastes, are suitable for HTC (Figure 1) [3]. Water acts as a good medium for heat transfer in HTC, ... liberation of CO 2), and aromatization (formation of aromatic compounds). These reactions occur under high ...

  2. Soil Acidification: How to Lower Soil pH

    (soil pH is lower than desired) should be limed to neutralize soil pH to the desired soil pH level ... the soil pH has been acidified to the desired level, the soil pH should remain low for a fairly long ... soil conditions to thrive. Throughout Ohio and many other parts of the Midwest surface soils are ...

  3. Tips for Calibrating Grain Yield Monitors—Maximizing Value of Your Yield Data

    content; a two to three point swing in test weight between varieties. Again, having calibration curves for ... high and low moisture or high and low test weight will help collect quality data. Of note, the ... differences in test weight and moisture characteristics of the grain. Calibrate for different moisture levels ...

  4. Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Peaches

    50 pounds 1 pound = 3 or 4 medium-sized peaches 1 pound = 2 to 3 cups sliced Nutrition The Dietary ... excellent way to meet this nutritional requirement: A medium-sized peach has about 60 calories. Most peach ...

  5. Bumble Bee Pollination in Tomato Greenhouses

    Tomatoes growing directly in the soil under high-tunnel protection with the side panels rolled up to allow ... tomato growers are choosing the option of cultivating plants in either a greenhouse or high-tunnel (hoop ... (Heuvelink, 2018). Both high-tunnel and greenhouse tomato growers use bumble bees for their pollination ...

  6. Gray Water Recycling in Ohio

    these systems requires a soil assessment and an estimation of the wastewater loading rate to determine ... a soil assessment and an estimation of the wastewater loading rate. Outside the building, gray water can ...

  7. Raspberries for the Home Fruit Planting

    The soil should be well-drained and have a pH between 5.8 and 6.5. Always have the soil tested to ... crop in spring. Reveile Early Medium to large fruit with good flavor. Vigorous and high yielding. Boyne ... Medium-sized fruits with good color and flavor, firmness, and freezing quality. High yielding. Redwing Mid ...

  8. Soil Terminology and Definitions

    of soil antecedent biological activity. A high BR generally indicates higher soil microbial activity, ... accumulation in the soil. This index can be used as an early and sensitive indicator of carbon or soil organic ... and macropores leading to soil compaction and decreased soil organic matter levels. Soil compaction ...

  9. Some Options for Resourceful Living

    (check tire pressure, fluid levels, add oil or antifreeze). Bargain for best deal on a vehicle. Shop ...

  10. Basic Estate Planning: Miscellaneous Issues

    ever, despite the portability of the federal exclusion between spouses. The generation-skipping transfer ... the court could consider the trust as a resource in determining the appropriate level of alimony. ... easement value is the difference between the full market value (development value) and the value after the ...
