
Search results

  1. Thank you for supporting Ohio 4-H at Celebration of Youth!

    build lifelong skills to grow tomorrow’s leaders today. In between games of cornhole and bucket ball, ...

  2. 2024 Celebration of Youth

    Hospital Geauga Feed & Grain Supply Harold and Becky Cropper Harrison Farm Heather Villa High Bank ...

  3. Extension Today: Farm Science Review

    the name might indicate. The Review is high-tech and high-touch. All agriculture industry ... pieces of  antique farm equipment  (machinery, garden tools, and kitchen utensils) from between 1800-1930 ...

  4. Making Maple Syrup

    camping stove. Bottle and label the syrup. Give your friends a taste test! A little more involved:  Rig ...

  5. Extension Today: Apples in Ohio

    top 10 states in apple production in the United States. It produces around 50 different varieties, ... to make as you think about growing apples. It's time to think about cultivars, soil conditions, ...

  6. Calendar of events

    jobs in the agricultural field and make connections between the farm and the table. This event is open ...

  7. Container Gardening

    container or two. Add in soil, water and fertilizer, and you’re good to grow your own vegies, fruits, ...

  8. Extension Today: Christmas Trees

    many free fact sheets available on  Ohioline, including one that explains the differences between ... Ohio's climate and soil, and learned more by studying and experimenting with the tree. Its location in ...

  9. Tai Chi for Beginners

    help you to stay present and focused. You can also improve your posture and balance, reduce your risk ... minimizes risk of injury and reduces pain. Studies have shown Tai Chi to be effective in strengthening ...

  10. 4-H Projects go to Fair

    demonstration with a judge. The members who do superior work are especially recognized at the county level, and ... level. Winners are entitled to some bragging rights about the results of their hard work! Those who ...
