
Search results

  1. Best Practices for Nutrient Utilization and Water Recycling in Nursery Operations

    2008, a system designed to mitigate these potential problems was installed at a beta test site on ... Impacts of the CNMDS at the beta test site included increased plant production and reduced fertilizer ...

  2. Magic of Electricity: Electric 1

    others, the effect that magnetism has on various substances, how to build a flashlight, build and test ...

  3. Dressage

    a perfect understanding between horse and rider. This project asks youth to complete a "Planning Your ...

  4. Gift cements collaborative alliance in wetland, waterfowl, and wildlife ecology

    of a productive society in harmony with a sustainable and healthy environment.” For more than 50 ...

  5. Investigating Electricity: Electric 2

    Investigating Electricity: Electric 2 Build circuits and test voltages. Youth build a rocket ...

  6. Leaping Forward: Level 3 Fun Activities for You and Your Cat

    Leaping Forward: Level 3 Fun Activities for You and Your Cat Dig deeper into some of the cat ... 1717591435 ...

  7. Dress-Up Outfit

    Dress-Up Outfit This advanced-level project is for members who have mastered basic clothing ...

  8. Basic Archery

    safety. This is a beginning-level, one-time project for members who have an adult in the home or ...

  9. Gypsum as an Agricultural Amendment

    information about gypsum, especially FGD gypsum, as a soil amendment in Ohio as well as other places where FGD ... gypsum is available as a resource. This information will be useful for crop producers, soil and crop ...

  10. Beginning Horse Management

    Beginning Horse Management This beginning-level project is for ALL youth starting in the 4-H horse ...
