
Search results

  1. AgTech Innovation Hub awards inaugural research projects

    a multimillion-dollar collaboration between Ohio State and Nationwide. First announced last fall, the AgTech Innovation ... agricultural ecosystem while better understanding, managing, and mitigating climate risk. Using a format ... hub. The projects that were chosen focus on drought risk reduction, mapping climate risk audiences, ...

  2. 2011

    production on soil properties, nematode community, and tomato yield. Appl. Soil Ecol. 47:84-91. Chen Y.,  ... and Hughes, G. 2011. Perceptions of disease risk: From social construction of subjective judgments to ... (Accepted) Nagle A.M., McPherson B.A., Garbelotto M., Wood D.L. and  Bonello P. 2011. Relationship between ...

  3. Ippolito appointed as the Dr. Rattan Lal Endowed Professor at Ohio State

    mitigating the risks posed by inorganic and organic pollutants in soils, ultimately benefiting not only the ... His research has delved into the intricate connections between soil macro- and micro-nutrients, trace ... Emeritus in the Department of Soil and Crop Sciences at Colorado State University (CSU). He has also served ...

  4. Melanie L. Lewis Ivey

    commercial apple orchards in Ohio.  MRA 10:50. Roman-Reyna, V., Dupas, ... 2017.  Predicting the risk of cucurbit downy mildew in the eastern United States using an integrated ...

  5. Alumni Awards Call for Nominations ... =... YesCollege of Food, Agricultural, and ...

  6. Award recognizes CFAES partnership with Ohio sheep industry

    continued support of Ohio State University sheep programming,” said Roger High, executive director of OSIA. ... full- and part-time jobs, according to the Ohio Livestock Coalition.   Roger High Faculty ...

  7. CC Allison Award

    the C.C. Allison Award in recognition of high achievement in research and service to the Department of ... president of Plant Pathology Graduate Students Association in 2015.  On a national level, Walsh serves on ... Bonello.  His research encompasses physiological and biochemical relationships between pathogen-induced ...

  8. Epigenetics

    Correlation between epigenetics and related physiologic responses Epigenetic biomarker development and ...

  9. Money To Grow

    Roots, Fruits, and Shoots, LLC. SARE- Project The Costs and Benefits of Winter High Tunnel Supplemental ...

  10. CFAES conference offers resources on production and management for growing organic grains

    conference is to better prepare farmers for the production and management risks associated with organic grain ... Management Strategies High Tech for Organic Grain Preparing for an Organic Inspection Economic Performance of ... consultant at the Rodale Institute, a Pennsylvania-based nonprofit organics research organization; soil ...
