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Tips to Put Damaged Pastures Back into Production
distributed legume species to counter high nitrogen prices. "At this level, supplemental fertilizer ... pH should be above 6.0, with a goal of 6.5. Soil phosphorus level should be at 25 parts per million ... and soil potassium should be at 100 to 120 ppm," said Lewandowski. "If the soil is not close ...
Nutrition & Feed
advances in feed and food production. Aquaculture is one tool that provides a high-quality, inexpensive, ...
Dr. Islam presents information for a field day in Ukraine
Recently Dr. Islam, Soil, Water, and Bioenergy Resources Program Director, gave a talk via Zoom at ... Technology, and Engineering College to learn more about the field day: More than 50 participants from ... area on an area of 50 hectares after winter barley this year grow buckwheat and wait for a pretty good ...
Don't Hurry Into Hemp
a correlation between the moisture content and the CDB and THC levels. “As the moisture goes down, the ... percent, making them unsellable. The same relationship between moisture and CBD/THC levels also held true ... a new industry in the state. However, factors such as the high cost of planting and harvesting the crop, ...
South Centers welcomes Piketon vo-ag students
By Bradford Sherman South Centers/CFAES Piketon High School vocational agricultural students paid ... production, tabletop-grown and high tunnel strawberries, hops, and more. Easily the most popular attraction ...
Highlights of the Fruit Extension Program and Research Projects
23 was the most popular event in terms of live viewership, but all three events averaged around 40-50 ... two-hour duration. For example, blueberries peaked at 50 viewers at one time and still had 43 people ... watching by the time the stream closed. Blackberries had a high of 40 viewers at one time, of which 21 ...
New grant dollars to aid tomato soil health research, crop management
which makes soil health that much more important to produce a high quality and profitable crop. While ... days; 3. raise awareness of the correlation between soil and tomato plant health; 4. identify and ... and emerging pathogens, nutrient disorders, and soil health issues have been reducing yield and ...
Chow Line: Triglyceride levels sensitive to diet (for 4/12/09)
April 3, 2009 My dad mentioned to me that a blood test revealed high triglycerides, and he was ... to where they need to be (either to be used as energy or stored for later). High blood levels of ... triglycerides (above 150 milligrams per deciliter, or mg/dL) after fasting puts you at higher risk for hardening ...
Practical Experiences in Plant Health: Insects & Diseases of Plants
practices can influence the outcome of interactions between pathogens and pests. This is a beginning course ...
Beneficial Plant-associated Microbiomes and Plant Pathology Research
PLNTPTH 5005 The study of beneficial interactions between plants and microorganisms and its ...